Sunday, April 8, 2012

We just made a turn

The Club arrived at an intersection, We stopped, then we headed out, as we went through the turn there were club bikes holding the traffic, we went to single file then Club bikes passed us and we went back to staggered formation. How did that work?

This is what happened...

The Club stopped at the intersection, the Ride leader (Road Captain or Road Sargent) waited until he had enough of a gap for the Club to clear, he called the road guards into action.

Once he had enough clear road in both directions,he made the turn in the direction we wanted to go. As the column turned left the right side road guards (led by a radio bike) broke off to the right. 

Angle of view Change, The two Right side road guards proceeded down the road, the two left guards made the turn with the club.

As the column continued through the turn the two right side road guards proceeded down the road to a safe distance to capture any on coming traffic. The lead bike (radio bike) signaled the turn.

Both guards then performed a hammerhead turn to occupy the oncoming lane.

They completed their turn then moved to a side by side riding pattern.

They then moved up the road at a slow speed to capture any traffic behind them and slowed it.

The two left side Road guards moved along with the club for a short distance

The lead (Radio Bike) signaled the turn

Both left side road guards then performed a hammerhead turn to occupy the oncoming lane.

The two guards moved side by side to hold the lane and capture any oncoming traffic.

The Left guards continue forward slowly, capturing vehicles behind them.
The right hand guards proceed forward timing their arrival with the end of the column, holding off the traffic behind them and stopping the flow of traffic from the road the club just exited.

With both sections of oncoming traffic blocked the left guards make their turn and fall in on the shoulder of the lane continuing forward at the rear of the club.

The two right side guards now move to the center lane side of the lane, radio bike leading.

 The guards follow the club waiting for the recovery order.
When the column moves right the guards are now free to proceed.
 The right side guards lead the way.
 The left side guards now follow the right up the line.

 As the order to go single file is given the first bike that was behind the road guards drops back to make sure there is room for the guards to move back into position. As the two right guards arrive up front they drop into void left by the club and take up the right side of the column where they started from.

The left side guards roll back up into position and the column behind goes back to staggered formation.

That is what happened. But it needs co-operation from the entire ride, It needs the guards to be trained to do the patterns, it needs the members of the club to clear the lane during recovery, and it needs the bike behind the guards to leave room for them to get back into position.

If you feel you would like to be a road guard contact myself or the Road Captain. We will instruct you in the procedures, and give you a try out at a practice.


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