Sunday, April 22, 2012

The 2012 Season Kickoff

OK so there was no winter and the season actually continued from last year, but every year we hold the Kickoff and Bike Blessing. There was a myriad of worries this year, ranging from other blessings the same day, getting vendors, bands, and hoping the weather would co-operate. Well we can face it, The weather didn't co-operate, and because of that we lost a few vendors and the band.

The day started out with the threat of rain and the threat was real, from an overcast morning, it changed to a light rain around 10:00am or so and slowly increased to a drenching. Happily though breezy, the high winds, torrential rain, and lightning did not show. While the club had a good turn out on bikes and in cars, the public was not as brave. Last year there was around 700 bikes, this year couldn't get 70. (even including our own). A few of the vendors left early, others stuck it out selling their items from plastic totes. The Priest arrived and the blessing was concluded. We were not the only ones hoping for a better turn out, Stash's cooked a load of food and had been advertising the blessing and had around 6 bikes partook of the food, five of which were club members.

The only plus side of the weather was that this was perhaps the fastest take down and pack up I have seen, where there is usually a lot of milling around and chatting, everyone grabbed equipment and packed it up. Ringling Brothers Circus (in the days when they had a big top) would have been proud.

Hopefully, next year it will go better. But since the Mayan Calendar says there is no next year... maybe we won't have to worry about it.


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