Monday, January 3, 2011

Position opening...Wanted "Road Dad"

 Posted September 29,2010 in NLMC blog

With the announcment Tom made a couple weeks ago, his retiring of the position of Road Captain, that position will be open at the next election. I refered to the position as "Road Dad" because in many ways that is exactly what the job is. Road Dad looks after us. Being Road Captain is more than a title, more than a riding position ("look at me! I'm in front"), It is a position of responsibility. How hard is it to lead a ride? Try it sometime, and try and do it correctly. The Road Captain is responsible for making sure everyone knows, how to leave in formation, How to arrive in formation, how to ride together. He has to, at all times know how many bikes he has behind him, and "who" they are. Why does who matter? Because everyone rides different, not everyone has the same skills. Are there any bikes riding two up? Each of these factors determine the speed and handling of the entire ride.
The road Captain spends quite alot of his time looking in his mirrors, is anyone falling back, anyone having a problem. The Captain has to know how many bikes he has, how long the column is, how long it takes to clear an intersection, these come into use when pulling out of side roads or clearing intersections, If it takes your column 26 seconds from the time he pulls out til the last bike makes in out, he cannot pull out if he has a car 24 seconds down the road. The Job is more than a title, it is a promise to those behind , that he will make sure they get home.

So if you are thinking about a replacment for him, think carefully, That person has lives in his hands. How many times have you seen that when we come through an intersection there are riders in the group that are so intent on keeping their position they don't even bother to see if there is anything coming, they just follow the bike out ahead of them. We have to make sure that whoever takes the position of Road Captain is aware of this and has the ability to handle it. I've been on rides where the leader takes off down the road, and it is your job to look out for yourself and catch up, because they are too busy looking like a big shot in front of a column of bikes.

Saying "Holyshit !" or "I'm sorry" after members are on the street won't cut it.

So the Job will be opening, and we need someone to fill it, But we have to make sure that person does it right, remember who ever you nominate and stand behind, if he gets the position, we will all be behind him.

I also want to take this moment to say Thank you to Tom, for the over two years I've riden behind him. I want also to Thank him for Monday night training. When I joined I Knew how to ride a bike, he showed me what I could do with a bike at speed and at a crawl. I know what he showed me has helped me at least twice in close calls with cages.

Tom, again Thank you.

Any nomination from the floor on my behalf to take the position of Road Captain...will be DECLINED.


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