Monday, January 17, 2011


 When the snow is falling,
and the temperature does the same.
When the sky is grey,
and so are the trees,
When the grass is brown,
when it shows beneath the snow.
When the wind blows steady,
and drives the cold through your bones.

You walk out the door and your nose hairs freeze,
Your joints don't work and it's too cold to breath,

Remember...better times are coming.

Close your eyes and remember...
The warmth of the sun, and the cool of the shade,
the smell of the grass, the flowers and trees.
The dripping energy sapping humidity,
the sweat rolling in your eyes.
The bugs pelting you in the face.
The soft, hot, sticky tar.
All the wonderful things of summer we look forward to...

It will be here soon,
The snows will melt,
Things will grow,
the air will warm,
the birds will sing...
and we will ride.

Jeans and Tee shirts
the warm air whipping past you,
leaning into a corner or cracking the throttle on the highway,,

It will be here..
So when the winter gets you down...

Close your eyes,
remember the smells of rolling from a hot highway into a cool pine covered back road...
remember the heat soaking through your body...

In the meantime, save this as your desktop, and when winter gets you down...stare at this picture...and remember....



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