Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Thursday meeting...

Posted December 30, 2010

Thursday's meeting abridged version,

I started a fire, Murph and Vinny arrived added wood to the fire, the Adams arrived and added more wood, more people began showing up, Jim showed everyone how to get the fire burning better by agitating it, Tom came with a dog in a dress (I will say no more on this), Sierra was there, The meeting was started, Pres talked, Dan talked, Dana talked, no Treasurer, no Road Captain, no Honor guard Captain, The county chairs had nothing to say, So Vinny made something up. Tom told us about Saturday's plan, was informed of a change in plan, stopped talking about Saturday's plan. There was something said about the Blessing, something about permits, something about talking about it later, no New or Old business, good of the Club...a reminder about the Branford County get together, a motion, a second...Dunkin Donuts.

did I forget anything?


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