Sunday, January 2, 2011

Last of the Middlesex rides

Posted Sept. 15, 2010 NLMC blog

Official rides to old Saybrook for the Middlesex county get togethers are over for the year. The get togethers were never really about riding as much as get togethers for those who participated. The meet tonight was at Johnny Ads, a seafood style restaraunt in Old Saybrook Ct., after eating Vinny got everyone together and headed through Old Saybrook to Fenwick passing a deer at the end of the causeway enroute (which he never noticed). In Fenwick Vinny pointed out Katherine Hepburns Summer house as he lead us to a local beach to watch the sunset, here Vinney told stories of UFO sightings and pointed out where the UFO underwater base was thought to be (ships seen coming and going during the 50's).From the beach the group picked up route 1 and moved to the Grove beach area (tween westbrook and Clinton) where some ate ice cream and others joined the New Orleans band revelers in the bar. here another talk session ensued with some departing for home. Living in New London County afforded a little bit of a ride with roughly a 20 mile ride to Old Saybrook and 20 back on top of whatever ride Middlesex offers.

Others headed back to Old Saybrook to join with other local bikers at a local coffee shop before ending the night with a ride home.
Watching the Ducati rider hanging out in a couple corners, a couple cruiser riders joined in to try the low profile hang your butt out for the corners positions...cruisers aren't designed to be, "hang off the bike" ridden, but it did serve the purpose of picking on that Ducati rider in her slow corner leaning and earned a smile from her.

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