Monday, January 3, 2011

Back home...but not on the bike

Posted September 20,2010 NLMC blog

Well, am out of the hospital,I kind of liked the hospital, sleep 30 times a day, great nurses, room service.
I went in at 2am Tuesday with abdo pain, I drove to the hospital (first mistake) when you are in any sort of pain the last thing you should do is take a drive through New London, Ocean avenue alone will make you wish for death. I arrived at the ER, they performed some touchy feely inspections, got all excited and threw me in the CAT Scan. On the way to the machine the ER tech asked, "What type of motorcycle do you own?" I looked at him blankly and a little confused, Then he said,"I know it's a Harley, but what model?" I was totally lost, Was this guy psychic or something?, I came in a car. So I asked him, "how do you know I have a bike?" here's where I found out how observant the staff is there....Harley Boots. He has a 900 Suzuki, I asked him if he did much riding and if it was with anybody. (I think I was doing pretty good considering they gave me a pain killer that made everything look like it's underwater). Turns out he hangs with the wild style riders. (We are all recruiters)

I cannot report on the food, everyone says it is terrible, I can make no comment either way. My menu while I was there consisted of, water, water with ice, then more water. On Thursday they let me order off the clear liquid menu, Decisions, Decisions, coffee (no cream), tea, jello. soup broth, or italian ice. I had chicken broth Thursday and Friday. I also had Lime Jello which tasted like diesel fuel, it turned out it was the antibiotics I was on. The tea was the weakest tea I ever tasted, I worked my way through half the cup, taking tastless sips....then...I noticed the teabag sitting on the tray. I put the bag in and fell asleeep. I awoke to the kitchen staff removing the tray.
On Thursday evening I was invaded by leather, The Club showed up to wish me well, it was nice. Afterwards the nurses aid came in and told me the nurses were a little nervous about it, but she knew it was for room 6.241-2. So I have to ask, What was it about me that this girl automatically knew that a invasion of bikers was due to me.
I am home, but the bike is a no-no, I asked the doctors assistant this morning about riding and he checked with the doctor. He came back and told me the doctor told him "not for 2 months". He told the Doc that he didn't believe I would buy that. So the Doc made it two weeks as long as I feel ok.

The staff there is a little weird, seems listening to your guts gurgle thru a stethescope is a major joy, if you pass gas, they want to celebrate.
I want to take this moment to thank everyone who called or showed up to wish me well, this truely is one big family and I love you all.


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