Sunday, January 2, 2011

29th Annual Fall Run

Posted September 11,2010 NLMC blog

On Sunday, the 26th of September, there is a ride put on by "Custom City Cycle" in Adams Massachusetts, the ride benefits the Shriner's Children's Hospital Springfield unit.The ride begins 11am sharp, rain or shine, at Bowe Field in Adams Mass.

Groups are asked to arrive as such, not to filter in one at a time.

It is a 60-mile ride to Mohawk Park in Charlemont Mass. for Food, Live Entertainment and Games.

Regristration is 8 - 10am at Bowe Field or prior to Sept 26 at Custom City Cycle or Bike night on Park Street, Sept 25th.

breakfast will be available at Bowe Field supplied by Berkshire Lodge of Mason's.

visit for more info.

Tee shirts are available at $15.00 each,

there seems to be no set entry fee, the ride appears to be set up by donations only.

The ride up will be further than the actual ride as will the ride back, so it looks as if it could be a really good day on a bike

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