Sunday, March 21, 2010


I talked to two members who went on the Oxford ride today and heard the same from both of them, good ride and good food. Both want to do it again...soon. I myself could not make the run. I was removing my fuel tank the other day to install another useless bit of chrome and ran into an oops. Why is it the simplest jobs are the ones that oft go awry.
Step one, remove bolt at rear of pillion seat, remove pillion seat. Check.
Step two remove bolt at rear of main seat, remove seat. Check.
Remove bolts at rear of fuel tank, check.
Loosen clamp on fuel line and slide back, Check.
Gently twist fuel line and remove, oops.

               The hose should slide easily off petcock, and it did, sort of. Actually the pipe on the petcock came off with the hose. I pushed it back in place an tapped lightly to seat. removed tank, installed chrome, replace all. But, a petcock that falls apart does not endear itself to you. It rather leaves you wondering when it will fall off next, and pour fuel all over your leg and the side of the bike. So I have been only taking short hops, and will continue to do so until the new petcock comes in.
                 But the day was not a total loss, I set the alarm for 5am so I could get up and head to PA. So as usual I slept through the alarm and awoke at 7am. I jumped in may car and went to Albany New York. Albany? PA? Well PA is a long ride and if you get up at 7am and on the road by 8 it will be around 1pm before you arrive at Allentown. So I went to New York. Now you may ask yourself, why would he want to go to Albany and I would say, actually I went to Selkirk. You see, before I joined the club most of my weekends were spent doing photography. Not bikes, Trains, and that is what I did. Had a great time and I went to Yonkers afterwards, stopped in the casino with $250.00 anand actually walked out with money so it was a good day after all.

If interested I have over 4000 photos posted on line at the above site.


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