Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Subject: Passed along by Police Department & Courthouse

Several things to be aware of this gangs and robbers are now plotting different ways to get persons to "stop" their vehicles.

Please note: There is a gang initiation reported by the local police department that gangs are placing a car seat by the road...with a fake baby in it... waiting for a woman, of course, to stop and check on the baby. Note that the location of this car seat will usually be beside a wooded or grassy (field) area ...and the person - woman - will be dragged into the woods- beaten and raped- usually left for dead.








With all that rain...

Unger road is a shambles, I stopped by, expecting the Club to be under water...

Not a drop.

Even the pond is in the right place, although the flamingo has gone swimming.

Being in a valley with a stream and a pond I expected the worst...

Not so.

I myself live on a hill, We never have problems with rain...Septic tank, yes, but not rain...

So I have to ask...


And thats after two days, two sump pumps, a water vac, and a hand pump.

So, what did you get for your Birthday.


Head protection

If she would wear a hat her hair wouldn't be a mess,

Mother nature seems to be tired of us.

Earthquakes around the world, Tsunami's , Tornados, and Floods, it almost makes you wonder if the earth is tired of us and is trying to shake us off.
One thing is for certain, after the rain this week, riding should be more of a challenge, there were more floods and roads washed out than I can remember. If the road isn't totally gone, the shoulder is, and the pavement has a lot more character now. Little bumps here and there, pot holes, cracked pavement and holes that will swallow you whole, And tons of pavement chunks.

Looks the the next few days or weeks you may have to be more attentive while riding, No one likes nasty surprises.

How did you spend your day?

No Hooters for me, spent the day pumping water out of the basement.


Tomorrow's Honor Guard Practice is cancelled until further notice. The Honor Guard Captain currently is home sick with the flu.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Oh, lets see,

I woke up this morning a realized...It's all over!!!

My life passed before my eyes,
it sucked. (I hate re-runs)

As of tomorrow everything will change.
No more youthful energy, No more jogging, no more running,
Wait, all that went away years ago.

Tomorrow my CRS becomes Alzheimer's.
Tomorrow, the Arthritis sets in...where it hasn't already,

Tomorrow, The world as I know it will end...

Tomorrow, I turn 50.

So as a homage to my aged self...

I'm going to HOOTERS

I like Hooters!!!
(and the restaurant)


ROAD TRIP !!!! Chandler Arizona !!! Who's up?

Lets go!!!

March nears its end

April is at the door, and here is the Activity list for that month.

April 11:  7th annual Spring Break out. Newburgh NY
                       for more info visit

April 18th: NLMC Annual Connecticut Bike Blessing:
                    New London Ct at Ocean Beach.  11am-4pm

April 25:  7th Annual Blessing of the Bikes, Seaport Community
                  Church, Groton Ct.

April 25:   The Hogs for Hope Ride.
                 New Rochelle NY.
                 for more info:

Honor Guard Meeting

Monday, Wednesday, March 29, March 31st 2010

Clubhouse, no food provided
All Honor Guard Members or those
desiring to be in the Honor Guard to attend.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Member Profile: Theresa Anderson

Theresa is one of those people everyone loves, Not only a fantastic person but when on her bike, the bike and her become one. My ex-girlfriends daughter refers to Theresa as "Her Cave Woman" I know that doesn't sound all that good, but in her eyes Theresa is a female Macgyver, I the words of that 19 year old, "Put Theresa in Caveman days and she would rule, there is nothing she can't do".

Tree lives in North Stonington, is a Road Guard and a Road Sergeant. Her first bike, in April of 06, was a 1982 Honda Shadow 750, Since then she has over 56,000 miles under her belt. In her words, "I started riding out of necessity and got a little obsessed". Currently Tree cruises on a 2006 Vulcan Classic LT 900, blue and silver with Pegasus on the side covers. You can find her on the road all year long, and like it says on her vest, "If you don't ride in the rain, you don't ride". When I asked her what other bikes she has had she replied, "A Schwinn and a Trek mountain bike". 
(She hates this photo because she is eating)

For a profession Tree drives a school bus, yes she spends her days dealing with obnoxious loud little people, 14 years of dealing with obnoxious loud little people, she is also in training to become a Certified Motorcycle Instructor for the State of Connecticut. As for Family she is Married to Curt (former Club Secretary) and has 5 children, 1 boy, four girls. 

Tree Joined the Club in August of 2006 after finding it on the Internet, it was just a matter of wanting to ride with a group, her first big ride with the Club was a Vermont weekender. Her favorite things to do are Chilling out with family and riding with her friends.

For myself I found Tree to be one of the first people in the Club to welcome me in and make me feel like part of the family. Usually yelling at me at restaurants for sitting alone. She is one of the most pleasant people I have ever known, and am proud to have her as a friend.

When I asked her what were her favorite roads, or rides...She said "All of them".


Friday, March 26, 2010

What you need is a Gun!

It's that simple.
So take a chance!!!

$5.00 a ticket or 5 for $20.00

Traditions Lightning 45 LD
45 Caliber inline muzzleloader
Comes with Synthetic Stock, a 3 to 9 variable scope, and carry case.

Drawing to be held May 6th

Remember what they said in the movie, "You have a weapon, I have a weapon, everyone has a weapon, that's the way it should be....Always"



Do we have a day planned for you!!!

On Saturday the 10th, we will be hosting a Spring clean up party at the club, You know the one, we do it every year. Starting at 8 am we will be straightening out the back yard, (Construction damage) and performing general site work such as:

* Hole need to be bored for flagpole
* Pole Guard Rails need to be put back
* Parking Lot needs to be blown off
* Limbs trimmed

* Torn up yarn from constuction regraded
Bring blowers, rakes, shovels, chain saws, etc.
Hey we're serving Breakfast!!!

8:00am - Steak & Eggs for volunteers

(That's people who volunteer for work, not volunteer to eat)


Turn this...

Into this...

and that into this...

Party, bring your gold and people will be there to
buy it, and not just gold, they will also pay for silver, platinum etc. (I don't think there will be anything given for lead so leave your tackle boxes home).

6:00pm Bring your favorite vittles because we are potlucky

Then later that evening at 7PM its Texas Hold'um. and Jack.
You know Jack? If not, you may want to hang out with Jim or Johnnie



From that Jim Guy

Jack Daniels or BYOB
Leave your steel steed at
home if you are sampling
spirits. Not all bikes fit inside
the Clubhouse. Yahoo!!!
At around 4pm there will be a Gold

Last nights meeting


        The Road Captain was not there, so...The Road Captain report was given by the VP and 2nd VP with a lot of help from the floor, A lot of help...If you think Tom's reports are long...You haven't seen (or heard) ANYTHING. The two E Board member took turns describing last Sundays ride, with plenty of help from the membership. It would seem the Oxford ride covered the entire eastern part of the state and all by going north and south, and north and south and north...
There was also a mention of Telephone wires, shadows and dirt biking (?)

     Things going on... You name it, it's in the works or being talked about. Gold Party, Rifle Raffle, Work Party, Breakfast, Texas Hold em, Lunch, Diner...and all of that is for one day.

     There was also a request to have the club escort bicycles around the City of New London for a Benefit Bicycle Poker run.

       The meeting was long, but had plenty of laughs.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where is this? Anyone know?

Let me give you a clue,
It's in Sterling,
It's on rte 49,
They grow Turkey,
and they sell Ice Cream.


Service blues

I was at work this morning trying to figure out a way to drop a bike in Lebanon and get a ride back. Made contact with a couple Club members and could find no one to help, so I called my delivery driver who was in Old Saybrook at the time and told him to meet me in Willimantic.
I backed the bike out into the sun and started it up, the air was warm and inviting. I headed out down Colman to Bayonet and onto 32 north. There was a back up of traffic on 32 due to a 4 car accident at the 395 connector but I cleared that quickly and took 163 to 395. The bike purred along, the air was warm and the spring smells surrounded me. I jumped off on rte 2 and back on 32, up Franklin hill and on into Willimantic. I grabbed 66 to Columbia and having started with low fuel I was waiting for the tank to hit reserve. The gas ran out as I pulled into Columbia Motorsports, switched to reserve and shut it down.  

After grabbing my special ordered parts I stepped outside and via cel directed my delivery driver from Willimantic to Columbia. Had a smoke while I waited and talked to Rick on the phone. Once the driver showed up I started the bike and headed out along 66 to Lebanon and some great back road.riding, a little sand here and there but nothing to keep you from scraping plates. Fifteen minutes later the bike was parked at Hazlets garage and I was on my back to work riding in a delivery truck. Today was one of those days where you just didn't want to stop riding, little to no traffic, sun shining, warm air with spring smells in the air, and a bike beneath you that grabs the corners, accelerates smooth and produces a low roar out of the exhaust.  
    I won't be riding with the Club tonight or this weekend, the bike will still be in the shop, I know it won't be long to have it finished, it's just in for an oil change, Spring tune up,full inspectrion and to have the broken petcock replaced, but I have the itch. I have been back at work for about an hour and have already walked in the back room and lamented the empty spot where the bike belongs.
           All I can pray for is a great riding season, and hopefully a lot warmer and dryer year than last year.


From El Presidente'

Tonight, March 26th is the last opportunity to pay your dues on a meeting night. April 1st ends the renewal period. If you have any issues or special needs please contact me or someone on the e-board for assistance. It will be kept confidential. We value all of you, and not just for your financial support. As in every year, we hope you are all still with us. We are a family not a business though sometimes we have to act like a business to keep everything going.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is fear rith maith ná drochsheasamh.

"A Good run is better than a bad stand". And while the Club presence at the St Patrick days parade in New London was small, it was....ah...Green.

And for those who could get off work and participated...
Maith thú

(well done)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh ye who fail to believe thy brothers.

Someone had a "Oxford Diner" experience today...

He was warned by others ,
those who know
But did he listen,
the answer was, No.

His brothers told him,
would be a bounty,
the likes only found in Worcester County,

And on three plates it was, when it arrived.
and he could not finish
though he strived.

I will not, this fellow name,
for most who have eaten there
have failed the game.

But I will say
and I am sure
the next time there,
he won't order so much damn food.

And like I said...I won't mention his name,
 he knows who he is.

Rule of thumb for eating at Carl's Oxford Diner, and it is easy to remember.
They can't count in Oxford.
A three egg omelet is made with 5 eggs,
if you order a short stack with an egg on top you will get three large pancakes and three eggs on top,
A side order of anything fills an entre'e plate.



I talked to two members who went on the Oxford ride today and heard the same from both of them, good ride and good food. Both want to do it again...soon. I myself could not make the run. I was removing my fuel tank the other day to install another useless bit of chrome and ran into an oops. Why is it the simplest jobs are the ones that oft go awry.
Step one, remove bolt at rear of pillion seat, remove pillion seat. Check.
Step two remove bolt at rear of main seat, remove seat. Check.
Remove bolts at rear of fuel tank, check.
Loosen clamp on fuel line and slide back, Check.
Gently twist fuel line and remove, oops.

               The hose should slide easily off petcock, and it did, sort of. Actually the pipe on the petcock came off with the hose. I pushed it back in place an tapped lightly to seat. removed tank, installed chrome, replace all. But, a petcock that falls apart does not endear itself to you. It rather leaves you wondering when it will fall off next, and pour fuel all over your leg and the side of the bike. So I have been only taking short hops, and will continue to do so until the new petcock comes in.
                 But the day was not a total loss, I set the alarm for 5am so I could get up and head to PA. So as usual I slept through the alarm and awoke at 7am. I jumped in may car and went to Albany New York. Albany? PA? Well PA is a long ride and if you get up at 7am and on the road by 8 it will be around 1pm before you arrive at Allentown. So I went to New York. Now you may ask yourself, why would he want to go to Albany and I would say, actually I went to Selkirk. You see, before I joined the club most of my weekends were spent doing photography. Not bikes, Trains, and that is what I did. Had a great time and I went to Yonkers afterwards, stopped in the casino with $250.00 anand actually walked out with money so it was a good day after all.

If interested I have over 4000 photos posted on line at the above site.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

From the Road Captain

Oxford Diner Run

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Depart: 10:00am from

Dunkin Donut's
Rte 32 Uncasville, Ct

1st Club Sunday ride for 2010
See Rte below, if you want to
meet along the way call the R/C
and let him know

Rt-32 n from RT-2
RT-32 n to RT-203 n
RT-203 n to RT-198 n
RT-198 n RT-171 n/w
RT-171 n/w to RT-197 e
RT-197 e/n cross state line to RT-12 (webster)
RT-12 to Oxford Diner

Have full tanks as I'm taking the club on a remote route and things up there will eat you.

Road Capt.

P.S. Don't forget your helmets, and plastic bag for the extra meat you don't have to have at one sitting. Rain gear wouldn't hurt eather...just tryin to help.

Friday, March 19, 2010

In reference to Sunday

Reminder Tips: First ride of the year. We ride dual staggered, 3-4 bike lengths from the bike in front of you. We obey traffic signals, if you don't make it we'll wait for you. Stop signs are obeyed by the first 2 bikes and if road guards are deployed the whole group goes on mass. If you see Road Guards deployed be prepared and watch for the single finger sign to go into single file, so Road Guards can get back to the front. Pay attention to the number of Road Guards deployed so you know how many will be passing you. Come one and all bring those interested in the Club with you. We passed the 200 membership mark for 2009 and we need a new membership goal. We keep growing and that is a great thing. If necessary, we are poised to put a new room on the building, this year a roof, so keep the new membership growing.


There is a RIDE this Sunday....The following is a quiz....

I am going to show you a collection of photos, and I want you to say the first thing that pops into your head...

Figure it out yet?

Here's a couple more clues...

Get it yet?

That's Correct!!!
You've been there before haven't you.

Sunday, March 21st, 2010


Depart:10:00am Dunkin Donuts
Rte 32, Uncasville, CT

A scenic ride to a late breakfast

That's Right!!!
More good stuff for the heart!!!

a stop at Ekonk Farms on the
return trip. Be ready with a full tank
empty stomach, sun protection,
bring a helmet for Massachussetts, and most important...


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Remember, This is the Last Thursday Club Meal of the Season

Please make sure you show up, The Kitchen staff has been working really hard to get this meal ready ...