Thursday, June 20, 2013

Paying the bills

I was once told that paying your bills is easy...if you have money. Well...this is correct up to a point. What they fail to to take into account is the "Moron Factor". You see, just because you know what you want to do, doesn't mean the people you are dealing with do, ie "Moron Factor".

Case in point, I decided, since my father passed, that I really have no use for the home phone. I can't remember the last time I used it. So I called AT&T and told them I want to shut off one of the phone lines to the house. I explained I want to shut down the main number and retain the DSL line.  Well...

Last night, the computer failed to connect. The modem just sits there blinking red.

The DSL line is off...Guess what still works.

"Moron Factor"


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