Monday, November 26, 2012

Truck Drivin' Movie

I was thinking today of friends who have left this world for a better place and one of the people who came to mind was Tex. Tex (nickname) was an older gentleman at the time I met him, (1976) in the fire Service. Tex was the Truck Company Chauffeur. (Drove the Hook and Ladder truck). Tex was the person who started the name which after time, shortening and rephrasing became my nickname Klay. Tex loved diving rigs. When Tex was at the Firehouse you would find him in one of two places, sitting in an old cloth covered recliner or behind the wheel of a rig. One day I walked into the Firehouse to find him griping, it turned out he went to the movies the night before to see a Movie called "Logan's Run"  He sat down in the theater all ready to see some guy named Logan behind the wheel of a rig in a movie like Convoy.

A Truck driving movie...

I thought it was funny as hell, I worked part time at the area theaters and I had seen the movie.

If you have seen the movie you will know why an old Goat Roapin' truck driver might be a tad pissed of.  If you haven't seen the film...

Here's the trailer:


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