Monday, August 26, 2013

Some Photos from the Sunday Ride on 8/25/13

When I walked out my door Sunday morning I found this beauty waiting under my bird feeder.
Does anyone know what type it is?

Mark took us on a nice, spirited and quite circuitous ride to the Middle of Nowhere Diner.

Chris and Jeanine joined us for the ride. 
It was clear that Chris enjoyed the challenges of the ride more than Jeanine did.

The weather was perfect for dining "Al Fresco"
The food was very good and a team of waitresses took care of our every need.

Of course we weren't the only bikers there.

One thing that is still a mystery are the restroom arrangements. Look closely at the following photo.
How do they fit both the Ladies' and the Men's rooms in that little space?

It was so pleasant we stayed for a while.

Exeter Scrap Metal's Mascot

From here we road back by a different route to end up at Clyde's Cider Mill, but as we got there it was very clear that they were not open so we pushed on. We made a pass by Tree's house, but nobody was out so we continued on to Mark's home away a from home....No, not the clubhouse.......

Our generous ride leader kept his promise to treat everyone to MOOSE BALLS!

I'd show a picture of it but they were gone before I could snap a shot.

Our lovely waitress was not camera shy. In fact I think she was disappointed that I didn't take more.


A good time was had by all.


  1. That my friend is a Black and Yellow Garden Spider,also known as a Yellow Garden Spider or common Garden Spider. They are sometimes referred to incorrectly as a Field Spider. (Argiope aurantia)

  2. Northeast Elementary School in Groton Ct. was sided by a field. In the third grade I pulled two of these fellows out of their webs, brought them in class and had them walking on my bare arms. The teacher was not impressed, after much screeching she had me take them outside. I never thought about it before, but I wonder if I put them back in the right webs, 50/50 shot right. Or did they have a heart attack finding themselves in anothers web.

  3. This post has 28 photos, of those, 13 have club members in the shot,of those I am in 7 of them. That's over half. Do you realize that this one post has probably half of all the photos of me in the entire blog. I think I liked being behind the camera instead.
