- David Adams Margo is trying to talk me into a wine tasting on the way home from the kilt, but I would really rather incorporate the Rockers Reunion. So plan on a two hour ride to the kilt for lunch at noon, then a short ride to the reunion. Margo and I can always do a tasting in Guilford on the way home from there, and anyone interested is welcome to join us.
- Vincent Sileo Rockers were a cultural phenomenon in the UK in the 60's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mods_and_rockersen.wikipedia.orgThe mods and rockers were two conflicting British youth subcultures of the early... to mid-1960s. Media coverage of mods and rockers fighting in 1964 sparked a moral panic about British youths, and the two groups became labelled as folk devils.See More
- David Adams I just looked into the Third Rail, where the Rockers Reunion is being held. I didn't realize it was a restaurant and the menu looks pretty good, so why not give it a shot. It is directly down the street from the Kilt, so if anyone really NEEDS to see some pretty girls serving cold beer, then they can bomb off and meet up with us later. It sounds like we'll be at the Reunion for a while.
- Vincent Sileo Sounds like a plan. Only hitch is that there is a $10 cover charge at the door for the bands and the dancers (go-go dancers?)
- Vincent Sileo Many years ago, when going to bars with live music, $5 was the standard cover charge. Considering how the cost of everything has gone up since then, $10 is a bargain. I just thought I'd mention it since most of rides don't have this added cost and I didn't want anyone to be unprepared.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Discussion of Sunday's Destination Has Already Begun
This Blog is Your Blog, This Blog is My Blog, .................. This Blog was Made for the NLMC
I'm having a great time managing the blog for the club, but this is the club's blog and club members should add to it if they want to. I encourage you to do this. This is the member's forum where you can share information, bring up club related issues and join in the conversation.
I'd especially like to hear from the silent majority. Those members who, for whatever reason, have chosen not to be an active member (i.e. not participating in meetings or rides). If there is something you think we should be doing or a change that you think will benefit the club, this is the place to bring it up. I'm not promising the change will happen, but you won't find any supporters for your ideas by keeping them to yourself.
One way is to comment on blog posts. I try to make the posts interesting, but often there are details or stories about our events that I wasn't privy to. Commenting on the blog post I put up is an easy way to add that story or tidbit to the posting.
At the bottom of each post you'll either see "No comments:" or a number followed by "Comment(s):" Clicking on either of these will make a text box appear where you can type your comment.
Below that there is a Drop-Down Box titled: "Comment As" here you'll need to sign-in with one of the following applications:
Thank you to all the blog readers. I hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity.
I'd especially like to hear from the silent majority. Those members who, for whatever reason, have chosen not to be an active member (i.e. not participating in meetings or rides). If there is something you think we should be doing or a change that you think will benefit the club, this is the place to bring it up. I'm not promising the change will happen, but you won't find any supporters for your ideas by keeping them to yourself.
One way is to comment on blog posts. I try to make the posts interesting, but often there are details or stories about our events that I wasn't privy to. Commenting on the blog post I put up is an easy way to add that story or tidbit to the posting.
At the bottom of each post you'll either see "No comments:" or a number followed by "Comment(s):" Clicking on either of these will make a text box appear where you can type your comment.
Below that there is a Drop-Down Box titled: "Comment As" here you'll need to sign-in with one of the following applications:
The only one I have experience with is Google, which is very simple. If you already have a G-mail account, you can use that. If not, just go to Google.com, click on G-MAIL and then on CREATE AN ACCOUNT and follow the prompts from there. It's free.
Once you type your comment, hit the "PUBLISH" key. This will send me an e-mail to edit your comment. I promise to publish all comments unless I consider them to be too inflammatory or illegal.
If you have a story, suggestion or picture that you want to share please send it to my G-mail account (VinceSileo@gmail.com). Please identify yourself as a club member in the e-mail. I'll probably publish it directly or write back if I have a question or suggestion. I will also take the liberty of making grammatical corrections (if I catch them) unless it appears to have been purposefully done to enhance the tale.
I've noticed that there is quite a bit of club activity on Facebook that I enjoy taking part in, but not all members enjoy using Facebook. So I may copy some discussions onto the blog if I think it would be good for the club. I don't always get to see all of the postings on my Facebook page; so if there is something you are posting on Facebook and want to share it with the blog, just send me a Facebook message.
I've noticed that there is quite a bit of club activity on Facebook that I enjoy taking part in, but not all members enjoy using Facebook. So I may copy some discussions onto the blog if I think it would be good for the club. I don't always get to see all of the postings on my Facebook page; so if there is something you are posting on Facebook and want to share it with the blog, just send me a Facebook message.
* Keep in mind that the blog is representative of the club and should be beneficial to the club and its members.
* Posting items that you want to give away or sell are OK, but advertising a business is not. We also have a spot for this on the club's website as well. http://www.newlondonmotorcycleclub.com/forsale.html
* This is not a political or religious forum. I will not post political or religious stories, discussions or comments.
* I will not use the blog to disparage any one's character. Any humorous tales will be presented in a good-natured manner.
* I will not use the blog to disparage any one's character. Any humorous tales will be presented in a good-natured manner.
Thank you to all the blog readers. I hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Tuesday 09/03/13
Bike Night
Meet 6:00pm at Paesan's Pizza
Rte 1 Old Saybrook on the Westbrook side.
A Middlesex County Chapter Event
We had a great time at the last bike night we attended here and Vinny's agreed to lead us to that great ice cream shop again. Here's a link to my report on that event.
Sunday 09/01/13
Mystery Ride
AOB: 10:00am Dunkin Donut's
Rte 32, Uncasville, CT
Destination will be decided at DD
Dave Adams will be our Road Sergeant for this ride as the Road Captain will not be able to attend.
I heard Dave mention that this might be a run to the Tilted Kilt in Wethersfield. http://www.tiltedkilt.com/ Great food, multiple big screen TV's with every sportscast available and scantily clad waitresses. Just look at those happy faces.
Joe Fogarty suggested the Rockers Reunion as a possible destination. I went to this event two years ago when it was held at Gay City State Park in Glastonbury. Great live music, great modified cafe racers (if you're sorry you missed Brit Jam, you can see some of the best here) and hot babes and hooligans in vintage get ups.
Here is a link to the Rocker's Home Page: http://rockersct.com/index.php
Turns out this is about 7 miles South of the Tilted Kilt in Cromwell. Here's a link to the new venue http://www.thirdrailcafe.com/ They have ample motorcycle parking, an outdoor patio, dance floor, stage and pool table area.
So we have the potential of one run with a choice of two destinations. But that will be decided on Sunday. Get there early to put your 2 cents in.
Last Ride and Memorial Service for Dave Garside Next Week
Dave's last ride to Ocean Beach will leave from our clubhouse at 11:00 AM on Saturday, September 7th.
Please be sure to arrive early (10:15 AM or earlier) as the procession will be lead by a police cruiser and will include Fire Dept. vehicles.
There will be a memorial service at Ocean Beach followed by a buffet lunch.
Here is the obituary that was published in The Day newspaper.
David Garside Jr.

He was born Feb. 6, 1937, in Lowell, Mass., the son of Marion (Hardy) Garside and David Garside Sr. He married Marylin (Jennings) Garside in the Lakes Pond Baptist Church in Waterford on Oct. 11, 1980.
David served in the U.S. Navy and retired in 1974 and is a veteran of the Vietnam War. He retired as the Town of Waterford fire marshall in 2002. During his distinguished career, he taught fire safety courses at many area institutes. He also volunteered in many areas since the age of 17, including firefighting, where he was a life member of the Jordan Fire Co. # 1 in Waterford, and had served as their treasurer for many years. He was a longtime active member of The First Baptist Church in New London where he had served as a trustee.
He also was a dedicated volunteer for over 11 years at Ocean Beach Park, when he started volunteering on the boardwalk reconstruction project which took over three years. When that project was done, he enjoyed the beach so much he kept working on different projects including opening and closing the beach, and maintaining the splash park for children and then for the next eight years, worked on virtually every inch of Ocean Beach Park, giving freely of his time and many talents. He volunteered for many other worthy causes throughout the years, taking pleasure in contributing what he could. He also enjoyed riding his motorcycle and was a member of the New London Motorcycle Club.
David is survived by his wife, Marylin (Jennings) Garside of Waterford; his brother, Thomas Garside of Warren, N.H.; sons, David and his wife, Karyn, of New London, and Daniel Garside and his wife, Sandy, of Waterford; daughters, Gail Roselund of Glen Burney, Md., Susan Inman and husband, Kevin, of Gales Ferry, and Janet Wilcox and husband, Fred, of Oakdale; his stepchildren, Ken Kelly and wife, Ginger, of Massachusetts, Nancy Assenmacher and her husband, David, of Ohio, Mary Bryson and her husband, Eric, of Florida, and Carol Frank and her husband, Chris, of Florida; eighteen grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
He was predeceased by his stepson, Bob Kelly.
David will be taking his last ride from the New London Motorcycle Club, Moxley Road, Montville, leaving the clubhouse at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013. Friends and relatives are invited to join the procession as it goes to Ocean Beach Park, in New London, where a memorial service and celebration of his life will be hosted by Ocean Beach Park and The First Baptist Church of New London, beginning at noon until 4 p.m.
Please do not send flowers and instead, make donations to the First Baptist Church of New London, 268 State St., New London, CT 06320 or to Center for Hospice Care Southeastern Connecticut, 227 Dunham St., Norwich, CT 06360.
Byles Memorial Home, 99 Huntington St., New London, is assisting with the arrangements.
Please visit www.Byles.com to sign the guestbook or to share a memory.
Published in The Day on August 18, 2013
Ride to 20th Century Cycles Set for Saturday 9/7/13
After careful consideration of all parties involved I have decided to keep this ride to Billy Joel's garage (museum) in Oyster Bay, Long Island, NY on Saturday, September 7th.
So far we have the following members attending this ride:
Joe Fogarty - who came up with the idea
Dan "Hoss" Dunn
Jim Scarritt
Dave and Margo Adams
Rich and Daniela Jones - HOG President
Greg Bechard - HOG Road Captain
Randall and Julie Perry
Vince Sileo
8 Bikes, 11 People - Should be a good time.
It's not too late to join us. Here is a link to the details of the trip:
Please contact me if you would like to go. Leave a comment below or see me at the ride on Sunday or at the meeting on Thursday. Note that if you do want to join us, you must make your own ferry reservations.
Keep In Mind: There is another club event on this day. See next post for information on the Memorial and Last Ride for Dave Garside, a former member who recently passed away.
So far we have the following members attending this ride:
Joe Fogarty - who came up with the idea
Dan "Hoss" Dunn
Jim Scarritt
Dave and Margo Adams
Rich and Daniela Jones - HOG President
Greg Bechard - HOG Road Captain
Randall and Julie Perry
Vince Sileo
8 Bikes, 11 People - Should be a good time.
It's not too late to join us. Here is a link to the details of the trip:
Please contact me if you would like to go. Leave a comment below or see me at the ride on Sunday or at the meeting on Thursday. Note that if you do want to join us, you must make your own ferry reservations.
Keep In Mind: There is another club event on this day. See next post for information on the Memorial and Last Ride for Dave Garside, a former member who recently passed away.
Mark's Sunday Ride Report
Ride report
Arriving at Dunkin I met Lane who told me what I should have done was, instead of planning a ride, take the ride to the Dream Ride and let them handle it. Probably a good idea, but it was too late since I had posted it
We left on time and took 2A across the Thames, took 214 as planned but I made a course correction and instead of following 214 all the way out I jumped on what I consider a great road with too many stop signs. Some night I'd like to go out and change all the stop signs to the main roads and make this a non stop run. I turned onto Whalehead then Sandy Hollow, a right on 117 then a left on Lambtown, crossing Col. Ledyard to Pumpkin hill onto Wendell Comrie then Gallup hill down to Shewville. Left on Shewville onto Whitford road. At Lantern hill road we turned left, but that run was spoiled through all the turns by a pickup and a trailered boat. We regained 214 at Foxwoods Casino, crossed onto rte 2 west then a right on 164. In Preston we jumped on Northwest Corner road to Rte 201. We took 201 through the twists then cut through Patchaug forest on Gilliver which became Hodge Pond. That dropped us behind a couple making out on a bike (who quickly bailed out on our arrival). A left on 49 to Voluntown, 165 to 138 into Hope Valley RI. We picked up route 3 in Hopeless Valley and took that to the "Middle of Nowhere" where we stopped for lunch. The run over took an hour and a half.
We headed south into Mystic on 27, the Mystic Diner for coffee and dessert. Having eight people arrive to find a packed parking lot.. I walked in the door and announced eight riders, 6 of us ate at the counter two at a table. I ordered 8 coffees and Moose Balls for everyone. By the time they were done talking to everyone it was a total of three coffees and a mix of milk shakes, iced coffee and beer. Two Jack Honey orders did make it through. And all but one person had Moose balls. One of the waitress's said they are called "Moose Bombs, not balls". she told me that referring to it as that is incorrect, and not very tasteful. She says moose balls sounds crude.
We left on time and took 2A across the Thames, took 214 as planned but I made a course correction and instead of following 214 all the way out I jumped on what I consider a great road with too many stop signs. Some night I'd like to go out and change all the stop signs to the main roads and make this a non stop run. I turned onto Whalehead then Sandy Hollow, a right on 117 then a left on Lambtown, crossing Col. Ledyard to Pumpkin hill onto Wendell Comrie then Gallup hill down to Shewville. Left on Shewville onto Whitford road. At Lantern hill road we turned left, but that run was spoiled through all the turns by a pickup and a trailered boat. We regained 214 at Foxwoods Casino, crossed onto rte 2 west then a right on 164. In Preston we jumped on Northwest Corner road to Rte 201. We took 201 through the twists then cut through Patchaug forest on Gilliver which became Hodge Pond. That dropped us behind a couple making out on a bike (who quickly bailed out on our arrival). A left on 49 to Voluntown, 165 to 138 into Hope Valley RI. We picked up route 3 in Hopeless Valley and took that to the "Middle of Nowhere" where we stopped for lunch. The run over took an hour and a half.
After digesting copious amounts of fodder including two orders of fish and chips which included a half of a big ass fish surrounded by fries, a cup of chowder and three clam fritters. The Waitresses were fantastic, waiting on us outside at a Picnic table, they were friendly, funny, efficient and cute. Leaving there we took route 3 back through Hopeless Valley to Hopkinton. There We turned onto Clarkes Falls road for the ride back into Connecticut then Dennison Hill to Putker road, passing Rich and Nellie Airfield. Putker took us to rte 49 where we crossed onto Grindstone Hill, Hangman Hill, and Chester Main road past the Vineyard, and down into North Stonington. We took Wyassup to Main street then route 2 west to rte 627 Mystic road. Mystic road took us into Old Mystic. A slow down at Clyde"s Cider Mill and we determined from the closed and No Trespassing signs that they were not open. I then took them south Into Old Mystic. and on to Mystic Diner.
We headed south into Mystic on 27, the Mystic Diner for coffee and dessert. Having eight people arrive to find a packed parking lot.. I walked in the door and announced eight riders, 6 of us ate at the counter two at a table. I ordered 8 coffees and Moose Balls for everyone. By the time they were done talking to everyone it was a total of three coffees and a mix of milk shakes, iced coffee and beer. Two Jack Honey orders did make it through. And all but one person had Moose balls. One of the waitress's said they are called "Moose Bombs, not balls". she told me that referring to it as that is incorrect, and not very tasteful. She says moose balls sounds crude.
But, I said, Moose Bombs? Isn't that a reference to moose droppings?
She said, "Yes it is"
So I asked her which she would rather have in her hands.
At which point she performed a balancing gesture and said, "That would depend on my my mood".
For those who don't know..
Chocolate Mousse Balls
Chocolate Brownie, Chocolate Mousse all covered with Chocolate.
Posted by KLAY
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Weather Looks Good for Thursday Mystery Ride
6 PM

Partly Cloudy
- PRECIP: 20%
- WIND: NE at 7 mph
- Looks like an 80% chance of Sunshine!
- See you at David's Place, Route 85, Oakdale
- AOB 6:00 PM
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
More Iron Adventure Pics from the Treasurer
Here are a few photos from the trip to Ludlow, VT this weekend. Not many pictures of the events themselves as we did most of the weekend with the club on the road. Scenery and weather were just excellent and the hospitality of the staff at the Best Western in Ludlow will bring us back again next year as one of our club weekends. I don't think anyone who made the trip will forget the two nights we spent around the fire pit trading stories and beverages. We took a ride on Sat into New York and coming back into Vermont we crossed this bridge. Pretty impressive bridge and the views were spectacular. Good friends, good times, good food. It was an excellent adventure.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Some Photos from the Sunday Ride on 8/25/13
When I walked out my door Sunday morning I found this beauty waiting under my bird feeder.
Does anyone know what type it is?
Mark took us on a nice, spirited and quite circuitous ride to the Middle of Nowhere Diner.
Chris and Jeanine joined us for the ride.
It was clear that Chris enjoyed the challenges of the ride more than Jeanine did.
The weather was perfect for dining "Al Fresco"
The food was very good and a team of waitresses took care of our every need.
Of course we weren't the only bikers there.
One thing that is still a mystery are the restroom arrangements. Look closely at the following photo.
How do they fit both the Ladies' and the Men's rooms in that little space?
It was so pleasant we stayed for a while.
Exeter Scrap Metal's Mascot
From here we road back by a different route to end up at Clyde's Cider Mill, but as we got there it was very clear that they were not open so we pushed on. We made a pass by Tree's house, but nobody was out so we continued on to Mark's home away a from home....No, not the clubhouse.......
Our generous ride leader kept his promise to treat everyone to MOOSE BALLS!
I'd show a picture of it but they were gone before I could snap a shot.
Our lovely waitress was not camera shy. In fact I think she was disappointed that I didn't take more.
A good time was had by all.
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