Friday, February 10, 2012

I missed the meeting, but I had a great day...welll....

The second half was great.

I woke up with what felt like a grain of sand caught somewhere between the back of my eye and the middle of my brain. I flushed the eye with Visine but it did no good. At work I used the "Eye Wash Station" in the shop and while it stung like hell it also did no good. Visibility out of the eye was fuzzy at best. Around noon I found a Saline eye wash kit in the first aid kit in another building. It actually killed the pain for a while but there was still no focus. At 12:30pm I had enough and went to L&M. I arrived at 12:40 checked in and sat in the waiting room. At 1:30 they took me in for Triage. Then sat me back out in the waiting room.

The hospital was a tad busy with all kinds of people yelling, at around 2:05 they put me in a room by myself. I liked this room, here...I fell in Love (OK Lust). The Doctor came in, she was blond with short hair, wore scrubs which when she moved let you know she was fine. She stood about 5'4" and looked as if she was 22. Her voice was sweet. I spent the next 2 and a half hours with her on and off. She numbed the eye, ran pressure tests and dye tests. Lifted the lids for a look see and smelled great. I am actually thinking about sticking my finger in my eye next week and going back. At 4:30 we had a chat. She could find no foreign objects, or scratches or scaring. the pressure in the eyes was high normal. She referred me to a eye surgeon and called to get me an appointment for further diagnosis. She asked me if that would be alright with me. She made the call, came back in the room and said the surgeon would see me right then if I wanted. So I headed for the car.

The car ride down Montuak allowed me a smoke break., first one in about four hours.

 I walked in an met the Surgeons assistant. Once again, LOVE. She took me through all the basic eye tests and pressure tests (again). Black hair and tiny, about 5"2". Adorable and funny. Then the surgeon arrived. Asian, three babes in one afternoon, all giving me their utmost attention in a face touchy feely kind of way, and the Surgeon smelled like Vanilla. Eye fotos, eye numbing, eye dye, lots of flashing lights. I have another appointment on the 24th and I set her up as my permanent eye doctor.  The Hospital Doctor could be hit or miss, but now I get the Doc and her assistant...guaranteed. As for the left eye, visibility  is blurry, They found the entire surface of the left eye "rough" as though it is operating without fluid. After an hour of tests they determined that the reason for this is unknown, so I have eye lube and an appointment to see the ladies again on the 24th for more studies.  

I can't wait.

One note though...Driving home after having your eyes dilated at 5:30 sucks, very light gives off a blinding star pattern and a halo, the eyes water all the way home.


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