Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Another person hit by a train

Officials in Meriden said one person is dead after being hit by a train  near Gypsy Road and Old Colony Road just before 11 a.m today.

Stupid trains, those things should be outlawed.

They must always be going too fast, because that is the first question the news agencies ask when someone gets hit. Now I know trains can be devious, I had one jump off the tracks and chase me though New London last year. I came out of stashes and the train tried to cut me off as I rode the bike up Pequot avenue, I stayed ahead of it and it chased me up Howard, across bank onto Reed, I went up Blinman the wrong way, onto Coit, then Washington to State. I tell you if it weren't for the fact that I went into the Mohegan Hotel and the train couldn't fit in the elevator it would have had me.

I often wonder why when someone is hit by a train, they always ask how fast was it going. Why don't they ask the Correct question. Why was the person on the tracks. I mean people are free moving, we can move left, right, forwards and backwards. and with all the world out there to walk in why do some of us choose "CHOOSE" to walk on the tracks. A train is stuck on that thin strip and still people have to walk there.

Stupid Trains


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