Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday, April 24th,

My day started with water in the basement again, this time it was the water tank for the well, a Plumber and $650.00 dollars later and my day was going o/k. I ran up to Jerry's house to see if he wanted to ride,he told me Linda's bike (Schwarz not Grasser) was not running, it would cruise along until you let go of the throttle then it would stall. I took it for a spin and found them to be right, So I cranked up the idle on it, and it would slam when you shifted gears, still take your hand off the throttle and it would die. Linda has a starter bike, a Kawasaki 125, and the dealer was going to pick it up, sometime, no definite time, so until they showed Jerry was stuck at home, so we pulled out his FXDL and installed the accessories he received for Christmas. (Jerry is a little slow at change). Once done I suggested we say the hell with the dealer, the sun was shining, and we were wasting ride time, I said let's throw the "mini bike" in the back of the truck and drop it off at New England Cycle Works. He said that would be a pain in the ass, and suggested he ride it over and drop it off and I give him a ride back for his. So, he volunteered for a double embarrassing morning, not only was he going to ride his girls putt, but he was going to ride Bitch back to his house.

I can say he actually got the thing up to 55mph at one point, it sounded like it was going to cough up a lung. Sorry no pictures of him "all back of the bike".

Once on his own bike we filled up, and washed the bikes, believe me, they needed it,after riding in the thunderstorm on Thursday night, then we headed to Norm's for lunch.

From Norm's we ran to the Clubhouse to meet up with the rest Club heading to Ron's (Greybeard's) Dedication.

Arriving at Ron's a tree was planted in remembrance of Ron and most of his ashes were poured into the root base, the rest went back to the Clubhouse to be deposited there as per Ron's request.

Even Charlie K. made the ride, he rode up with Linda G.

After the dedication the Club escorted the Family and Friends back to the Clubhouse for a get together and food.


One more little thing,
                                      I had a request from a few of the members...

I an suppose to mention that besides myself, Dan the 2nd VP was a Road Guard today...

                           Dan was a Blocker,

                                          Dan Blocker


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