Saturday, January 23, 2010

Let me tell ya a quick story...

We were scheduled for inventory at work today, I should explain that I do not work Saturdays, and so I don't think of them as a "work" day. the weather was suppose to be sunny today so I took the bike home last night and it was cool but comfortable. This morning on the other hand was cool, so cool in fact that I received the equivalent of an ice cream headache on the way in, no problem though, after all it was going to great later. This is where I step back to yesterday, my weekend guy asked me if we were open on Saturday, I said no you fool, we have an inventory remember? Today I get to work, we started the inventory at 7am, and my weekend guy is on time, (this in itself should have set off an alarm in my head, he is never, NEVER on time). We had 10 counters and two key punch girls. At 11 am the counting is done and all the counters took off, at 1130am the key punchers left. so I am alone, and at this point I remembered that service is open, allllllllllllllllllllllll day. So here I sit starring out of the building at a nice sunny day. WTF

Did I mention, I'm not really dressed to work with customers today, BMW (I don't believe) lists, skull chained boots, skull belt, and a Harley Davidson Cafe shirt as proper attire.

There are two morals to this story:

Moral 1: If someone who is not usually interested in something shows interest...Suspect something.

Moral 2: If someone who is never on time for work shows up early on a special work day...Hit him upside the head with a 2x4.
You may still have to work...but you'll be happier about it.

(I may use the 2x4 thing on Monday...just for the joy of it.)


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