Thursday, December 20, 2012

Inexpensive Pet

Are you looking for a pet for the little one in your family. Are you not sure if that person will take care of a pet or whether you will get stuck doing so?  What if I were to tell you how to have a pet and not care about taking care of it. This would be a pet that if the child grew tired of it you could let it go. A pet that, if it died you probably wouldn't shed any tears over the loss.


First, you need access to someone with long hair, if you don't have it, check the wife or child, (This is where girls come in handy).
Pluck a long strand of hair and set aside. Go to the window (or a garbage can) and find a fly, put your hand behind the fly and in a sweeping motion, come in from behind it and catch it. (Little known fact: flies take off by hopping backwards first). With the fly caught, place it in the freezer for about 5 minutes. While the fly is going into hypothermia shock, tie a noose in the strand of hair. Remove the fly from the freezer, place the noose around its body, under it's wings and tighten. (Careful not to over tighten or you will have two halves of a fly). With noose secured, hand end of string to your child, when the fly warms up it will take off and your child will have a fly on a leash. If you do decide to free it just cut the hair.

Note, moths can be used also, but they don't circle as much.


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