Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I just had a totally unhealthy lunch

I know it was UN healthy because it tasted good, and how good this was means I will probably drop dead tonight. Massive, grab your chest, blood pressure spike, aneurysm, coronary good.

I made shrimp scampi, but I...have you ever had Sicilian Shrimp Scampi at Olive Garden? They give you one shrimp scampi on a tiny piece of toast and it is good (I believe you get a total of 6). What I did was to cook up the shrimp in the Scampi sauce, then  take a Grinder Roll, dip in in the garlic butter scampi sauce, let it soak all that buttery garlic up, then toasted it. Once it was toasted and the bread was that toasted translucent brownish hew I added the shrimp, laid them out in three rows the length of the bread, then poured the left over scampi sauce over the top.

It was great!!! 

Now white bread, when digested, turns to sugar in your body, which it stores adding weight to your frame. The butter congeals in your arteries cause fat globules and plaque. This is probably not really good for you, but since the world ends next December...who cares.


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