Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Not too bad for playing tag on a highway

Right side of fairing opened

headlight, turnsignals, and driving lights

Front fender and relector

front fork cover, crash bar, and pegs

Tour pack lid

right hand lower

right hand saddlebag cover

Considering the alternatives...The bike didn't make out too bad.


Two corrections to the deer strike, Dave did not break a toe, he says if anything is broken it's his nose and if you look at the windshield you can see a big greasy print of where he stuffed his face into it. Second, he doesn't believe he was knocked unconscious, he believes he was just dazed, when he realized what was going on the bike was doing about 50mph in a death waddle one and a half feet from the guard rail. his right lower was jammed up in the pedal so he had no rear brake, he had to scrub the speed off with the front brake. Kaitlin was actually riding sidesaddle at this point, sitting on the saddlebag with here arms wrapped around what was left of the tour pack. After stopping Dave walked back to the site of the deer and found his glasses, this was before the State Cop told him to get back to the bike. 

The Tourpak was already for Americade, fully packed, Dave said when he stopped the bike the pack was empty, all their stuff was on the highway. As he stopped a car pulled in behind him and gave him rear protection, the passenger of the car went right to Kaitlin to make sure she was OK, the passenger...was a nurse. 

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