Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Dog Ride

A.O.B. was set for the Club at 11am at the Dunkin on 32 in Montville.

At the meeting I talked to Tom and told him that since the day was suppose to be as good as it was, it was a pity to wait til eleven to ride. Danny, Reuben and myself were to have a 9:30 A.O.B. at the same place and take a longer ride meeting him in Durham at 12:30.

We met at Dunkin A.O.B. was pushed back til 9:50 (I needed coffee). From there we cruised north, west, and south (with a Craig stop in Willimantic (coffee). 

Open roads and cruising speed, what more can you ask for.

We were on the final leg, crossed the Connecticut River and came across the Distasios waiting for Tom at that Dunkin. We sat there for about a half hour before heading out. (Tom was on a different route). 

We arrived at Dunkin in Durham, watched Danny demonstrate a new parking procedure, called Tom and found that they had already been through and had just arrived at Guidas. 

So we followed along and joined them in Middlefield.

The weather today was fantastic, high fortys', we even saw a 50 pop up at one point. There was a tad bit of wind blowing about, on one strip we were cruising along at 50 mph and the flags were still blowing sideways off the bike.


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