Friday, May 18, 2012

My Brother

My brother passed away in 1987, he and the wife went to the movies to see Princess Bride, in the middle of the movie he grabbed his head and fell over. An aneurysm left behind a wife and two kids. That was twenty-five years ago. He had a number of bikes and I have but a few pictures of him with the bikes. (He hated having his photo taken). The look on his face in most of the photos is one that tells you you should probably aim the camera somewhere is if you know what's good for you. There are a few where he is smiling but there is a gesture being made that I didn't want to have used for posterity. Then...a photo I took of him on a Honda 500 twin. The photo was crossing the Thames River on 95, and...he actually smiled for the camera.

Well, here it is 2012, and he will be riding with me again for now on...whether he wants to or not.

1 comment:

  1. A fabulous tribute! Wish I had time to see it today... next time!! And thanks for the drink, it was much appreciated (and needed) - you rock!!
