Monday, May 14, 2012

How many bikes can a woodchuck chuck?

We left Dunkin on route 32 about 10:10am with the Mothers Day breakfast run. We had seventeen people. Jim led the parade and took us down 32 to 163, to Chesterfield road onto Old Colchester. Jim set an enjoyable cruising speed and we moved right along. A left turn on 82 through Salem Four Corners, then a left on 156 down to East Lyme. From there we rode Halls road to Boston Post road which took us down to I-95 north at Flanders. We used no road Guards, but did utilize a Tail Gunner, more on that later.

We jumped off 95 in New London onto Vauxhall which took us to Colman and Breakfast at Goldies.

The weather was excellent, No jacket required weather.  

We had only two bits of excitement on the ride. The last one was when Dave and Margo broke off as the group pulled onto Vauxhall, a gentleman riding near the rear watched Dave continue up the highway, wondering what was happening, when he brought his attention forward again he found the column slowing to take the exit off the exit. A little tire smoke, a little bit of squirrely bike but he collected it without collecting anyone else.

The other episode happened on route 156. It would appear Tom Llorett may have made an arraignment with the local wildlife to supply a escape and evade drill. As Jim crested the top of a ridge a wood chuck ran across the road, it was struck by a car and stopped feet up in the road. As Jim pulled even with it the Woodchuck snapped out of it's stupor, and ran to get off the road, what it found was Jason's Yankee Bike, Jason braked and swerved to avoid the now frantic fuzz ball as it ran in circles between the two bikes. I applied my brakes so as not to collect Jason at about the same time the fur lined frantic rodent picked a line of escape and ran straight back from the side of Jason's bike to my front wheel. After few more evasive maneuvers of my own I last saw the panicking Whistle Pig heading straight back towards the bike behind me.

I'm not sure when the Sciuridae managed to break free of the column, but I heard a couple other riders witnessed and avoided the Marmot's flight from reality and no one collected the thing. 


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