Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Gift Run

The day started with the sky overcast as the last vesitiges of rain disappeared. It was a little cool but warmer than last year and there was a promise of the weather clearing as the day went on, and guess what...for a change the weatherman got it correct. The club met at Dunkin Donuts on Colman Street in New London.

Last year a new visitor joined the club for the first time. Theresa had a little critter tucked in her jacket to keep it warm. This year it was warmer and that wasn't necessary and it's a good thing because a year later, it didn't fit so well.

The Club met and discussed the days plans, a few of the members decided to ride with the hoard out of the Speedbowl while the rest would stay as a unit. At 10am everybody found their bikes and headed for Stash's for a chance to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas.

Alright...that's not entirely true, we went there for Breakfast. (To tell you the truth, I don't think Santa was interested in what we wanted.) Breakfast was $7.00 all you can eat and once again Stash's did it right.

With everyone fed the two groups split, with the main body heading through New London onto I-95 north into Groton and Route 117 into Ledyard Center. Once there the ride proceeded east on 214 to Route 2 at the Foxwoods Casino then 2 east to the Rotary and 184 west back to Groton to pick up I-95 to Waterford. (that's right, it was a circle, can you say circle). The ride was enjoyable and burned up the time needed before we had to be at Harkness to help direct the incoming Gift Run bikes to park.

This years turn out was lighter than last years and parking all the bikes was much quicker, and as usual a lot of the bikes decided to break off from the column and ride straight across the grass for a short cut. Once the bikes were all in the Gifts were delivered, and coffee cider and donuts were consumed in mass quantities. the weather had turn out to be wonderful, and even though the turnout was less than last years the Harkness Group seemed to have made out pretty well.


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