Wednesday, November 25, 2009

From the President

Thanks to all that came out Sunday to support the Ahn Fundraiser. See below message from the Freedom Rider President Dave Anderson.

Riders, Friends, Supporters, Family, Shipmates and SUBVETS Membership;

First, Gratitude and Honor: I am not eloquent enough to pick the right words to express how moved I and my Freedom Rider's brothers and sisters are, that so many of you came to breakfast Sunday morning but I will try. It was so heart warming to see how many of you as strongly as we do, how important it is to help Paul and Tan continue to keep their son's memory alive. The Freedom Riders USA are so very honored to continue to be chosen to assist Ahn's friends, family, and classmates, in their annual efforts to keep alive the memory of Cpl. Ahn Chanawongse Memorial through his Scholarship Fund which provides each year, the opportunity for another young American to follow in his foot steps, to learn of Ahn's character, his ultimate sacrifice, and also gain much needed financial assistance with their education. We very humbled to see how many of you continue to turn out each time we ask and graciously continue to contribute your valuable time, money, and hard work each time and every time we reach out to you.

Now the apology: You so overwhelmed us with your support, that despite our best efforts to serve "breakfasts to order" to a crowd that was double what is normally served during a SUBVETs Sunday breakfast, unfortunately many of you had to wait for a very long time for your food. Your overwhelming support should have been expected because you never disappoint us, but you far exceeded the capacity of the kitchen, our crew, and even the food stores at the club. The Freedom Riders USA apologize to our Ahn's Scholarship supporters and our SUBVETs brothers, their families, and friends. We did however sit down immediately afterward and kick some ideas around to prevent this from happening again if we are allowed to do another benefit breakfast in Ahn's honor. Eggs to order just take too long for that volume of people and those who want to get in, contribute and get out and ride. If SUBVETs Inc. allows us to deviate from their menu a little we will serve a "Freedom Riders Quickie" which will consist of scrambled eggs, meat of choice, pancake or French toast. These items can be made up ahead of time so that you can chose to have a "quickie with us" and head out on your ride, or wait a little longer for your "eggs to order" off the normal SUBVETS menu.

Anyway, I just wanted to try to express for the Freedom Riders how much we enjoyed seeing each and every one of you. It was a real treat to have August in November and not wait until summer to see the familiar faces we see each year and the Scholarship Run and I wanted you to know how much we appreciated your patience, generosity, and company. You helped us raise approximately $489 toward next years Scholarship Run insurance and incidental expenses through your tips and contributions and I think the Submarine Veterans Club probably sold more breakfasts than they have in quite a few Sunday's past. Again, if we are allowed to serve you again, please be assured we'll come up with a better plan to make sure it doesn't take up so much of your valuable day off from work.

Please pass this on to families friends, and shipmates that you think might have been upset for having to wait for thier Sunday breakfast and I hope they will give us another opportunity to serve them in the future.

Base Commader Carcioppolo please forward, "cut and paste" a portion, or rewrite this apology entirely, to any of the SUBVETs Membership that you feel may have been upset by the Sunday crowd or the wait for thier food.


Dave "Husker" Anderson
FTCS/SS (USN Retired), SUBVETS Life Member.

Freedom Rider USA, Charter Member, Executive Board Member.

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