Friday, August 28, 2009

Loud Please, Let me Rant!!

It was mentioned at last nights meeting that new laws may be coming our way regarding motorcycle exhaust noise. The use of non- OE exhaust will be deemed illegal. Exhaust decibels and manufacturer stamps must be in place.

The following is an excerpt from the AMA site:

"Since its inception in 1924, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) has maintained a position of strong opposition to excessive motorcycle sound."

It is my opinion the AMA "AMERICAN" Motorcycle Association does not support ALL motorcyclists. Reading their report Home>>Rights>>Rights Resources>> Position Statements.
"Excessive Motorcycle Sound" they state that loud motorcycles are the major source of motorcycle prejudices. They are concerned that people associate loud pipes with motorcycle trouble. They go on to list what they feel should be done to solve this problem.
  1. Owners should not modify their bikes from OE. (What ever happened to the Americans freedom of choice).
  2. Event Organizers should take steps to make loud pipes un-welcomed. (Imagine what kind of turn out a organizer would have if only quiet bikes were invited).
  3. Motorcycle retailers should discourage the replacement of OE pipes. ( This is a county based on the Free Enterprise system, If the dealer can make money on accessories and labor they should be allowed to)
  4. The Motorcycle industry and the Safety Community should educate customers and riders that excessive sound can be fatiguing, thus impairing good riding skills and judgment, making riding less enjoyable. (Why do they want to EDUCATE everyone to their way of thinking?, Fatiguing?, impairing riding skills and judgement?, Less enjoyable?. You want to hear fatiguing have your wife in your ear for the entire trip on an intercom, Riding skills and judgment, if you truly have have riding skill exhaust noise should not be a problem any more than having a headset with a stereo in your ears and talking GPS. As a matter of fact I'd rather hear what the engine is doing, it's part of riding a bike opposed to sitting in a car. Enjoyable?, try riding next to a bike playing Elton John over it's speakers, then tell me you had a great ride.)

The list continues, my favorite is: Manufacturers Producing Motorcycles that meet the appropriate Federal Standards continue to educate their dealers and Customers that louder exhaust systems can decrease the performance of motorcycles. (Are they confusing mileage with performance? Usually a open or less restrictive pipe with the correct jetting or programing increases Horsepower.)

Whether you agree or no, I believe the main problem with motorcycle public relations is the action or actions of those riding them. Doing high speed down the highway on the white lines while traffic is bumper to bumper is dumb and dangerous. Doing wheelies in traffic same thing. If something goes wrong these motorcyclists endanger not only themselves but those around them. I agree speed is a blast, tricks are fun and take skill, but open areas where they endanger no one else seems to be the intelligent thing to do.

As far as noisy bikes, Who do they effect? The car they passed, how long did it take? The couple sitting on the porch? Is the bike there or did it go by. Who does the loud pipe actually effect? It effects the rider himself and/or the guy behind him on a ride. Since the chances are pretty good that the guy behind has a loud bike. what's the problem. I've ridden behind bikes with open pipes and it can get old, but its his choice and if I have a choice I'll take the sound of the wind and the exhaust any day over the sound of someones stereo blasting away parked in the driveway of a neighbors house, or on the bike next to me...The exhaust note is one of the reasons I ride.

My opinion is simple, freedom of choice, if he or she chooses loud and it bothers me, I don't ride near him or her. For many bikers the exhaust note is one of the favorite reasons to ride.

1 comment:

  1. In fact, under federal law, there's no choice with exhaust systems. And it's also true in Denver, Green Bay, Boston and East Greenwich, R.I. It may soon become law in New York City and Portland, Maine. Millions of Americans are fed up with loud bikes and want something done about it.

    All motorcycles made after 1982 must include in the owner's manual the following information under the title, Tampering with Noise Control System Prohibited.

    Federal law prohibits the following acts or the causing thereof; (1) the removal or rendering inoperative by any person other than for purposes of maintenance, repairs, of replacement of any device or element of design incorporated into any new vehicle for the purpose of noise control prior to its sale or delivery to the ultimate purchaser or while it is in use, or (2) the use of the vehicle after such device or element of design has been removed or rendered inoperative by any person.

    Among those acts presumed to constitute tampering are the acts listed below:

    removing or puncturing the muffler, baffles, header pipes, screen type spark arrester (if equipped) or any other component which conducts exhaust gases; replacing the exhaust system or muffler with a system or muffler not marked with the same model specific code as the code listed on the Motorcycle Noise Emission Control Information label, and certified to appropriate EPA noise standards; removing or puncturing the air cleaner case, air cleaner cover, baffles, or any other component which conducts intake air.
