Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Odyssey is under way

If all is going to plan, Evert

should be about 8 hours into his 1000 mile Memorial Iron Butt Ride, alongside him should be one Mister Tom Llorett

and possibly Daniel Dunn

giving a lap or two support.

The plan is for a 1000 mile jaunt along 95, 395, 8, 44, and other such numbers. He should be running in opposing directions as he finishes each circumnavigation of the state.

If all goes well...and we hope it does...the Iron Butt may turn into a Butt Burner. That meaning once he clears the 1000 miles in State...he may extend the ride northeast for an additional 500 miles...Portland Maine and Back.

We wish him, his Butt, and his support riders, the best of luck.


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