Monday, October 17, 2011

Do you like raking, mowing, shoveling and or trimming

If so then today is your lucky day!!!

Because all you need to do is get a hold of Jim or Danny.

because our Grounds Keeper is currently out of commission


A broken foot.

Seems he found out that soaring with the eagles is easy, it's landing afterwards that hard.

John did all the things he should have, he lowered collective all the way down, simultaneously adding right pedal. Lowering the collective maintains RPM during the entry to autorotation, and keeps the AOA (angle of attack) at a normal value during the glide.

Adding the right pedal is necessary because in autorotation there is no torque. Once the vehicle is autorotating, the engine disengages and produces no more torque.
While the collective is being lowered, the nose of the vehicle has a tendency to pitch down. John had to use aft cyclic to prevent this. Allowing the nose to pitch down creates two problems: it tends to reduce RPM because it decreases the amount of airflow through the rotor disk, and it tends to increase airspeed, usually far above the range you want to use while autorotating.

To Establish the glide as the air started flowing up through the rotor system, the RPM will start to increase, and depending on how the vehicle is rigged, the RPM may get too high and it did, In this case, as RPM got higher John had to increase collective pitch to lower RPM.

He did everything he should have, unfortunately John wasn't in a helicopter, he was on a dirt bike.

And as everyone knows, dirt dikes don't autorotate, as with any heavy metal object that has no aerodynamic abilities at all, they plummet to the ground.

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