Sunday, July 1

Ride for a Cure (Poker Run)
Reg. 9:30am to 11:00am
$ 15.00 Rider $ 10.00 passenger (special club rate)
AOB Departure 10:00am Dunkin Donuts
Reg. money will be collected at DD

Wednesday July 4th

Town of Groton 4th of July Parade
AOB Departure: 9:00am Dairy Queen, Rte 1 (Long Hill Road)
Drill Team practice 8:00am from same location

Rubenstein Pool Party
1:00pm 29 Savi Avenue, Waterford, CT
If you don't have GPS try mapquest.
860-443-3066 - 860-705-9392

Saturday July 7th
9:00am Parade of Sail into the Thames River
5:00pm OpSail Party
9:25pm Grucci Fireworks
Jim & Button Scaritt,

Sunday July 8th
12:00 Noon
NLMC Summer Party at the Clubhouse
Food will be provided.