Monday, January 16, 2012

The Bash for Bella report

The day was on the slightly chilly side, with the temperature hovering around 9 degrees F, (That would be minus 12.7777778 degree Celsius for the readers who live there). The Club met at Dunkin on rte 1 in Groton (next to Poquonnock rd), The majority of the Club arrived in cages but three bikes did show up. The Green bike didn't seem to have any complaints, Old Red was having low temperature tachometer issues, and Felicity didn't want to start the day at all, Ka-chunk-bang pffft, Ka-chunk-bang pffft, Ka-chunk-bang-vroom, burble burble. We sat around drinking coffee and talking before heading out, we were joined by Richie Rich from DNZ a one piece Club out of San Diego Ca.

The ride from Dunkin to Christopher's was uneventful, (all 178 feet of it). Once inside, raffle tickets were sold, drinks were had and the music played. Because the Club arrived in one unit, patches flying, and that we paid with one check, the announcer gave thanks to the Club for coming through in a big way. Most people stayed to eat drink and play the raffles, I followed Mr.Scarritt out the door and Tom l. followed me. I took a short cruise along route 1 to Mystic and the Equinox for lunch and Tom tagged along.
There really wasn't much riding involved, but it was still a reason to do something on a cold ass day.

I did determine one thing though, It is that time of the year for Felicity to change addresses, After fighting with the shed door and frozen ground, (I designed the shed door to glide smoothly millimeters above the ground as it opens, problem is, I forgot about winter, in winter, the moisture in the ground freezes and the surface rises. so it is a major fight to get the door open, pushing the top and kicking the bottom. Plus, she likes warmth, she starts better and runs better)  So today, when the temperature outside comes up (predicting 32 degrees F, 0 Celcius), I will get a ride home, and run the bike to it's winter quarters in New London. 


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