Tuesday, August 23, 2011

There's something wrong with my head!!!

I was sitting at my desk today at work, actually working on my computer when I felt a vibration, it was weird, it was like my brain and insides vibrated. At first I thought..."What the hell was that?" I felt it a second time, I looked at my coffee on the table, no fluid movement. "I knew it, I'm having a mental shut-down!" I was going to ask if anyone else felt it, but with no visible proof, I decided to keep my mouth shut, so I wouldn't look like an idiot.

About 40 or so minutes later, one of my employees, came out and asked if I felt the earthquake, Ah-Ha!! I am not nuts, (well) I am not on the verge of a major system shut down. He said it is all over the web, a earthquake hit DC and they felt it in Boston. I asked my people if they felt it...No, not one of them. Now they were looking at me like I was making it up. Then the service writer said he felt it, the girls on the second floor felt it, Vindication!!!.

I have to say it was not what I expected, it didn't feel as if my body felt the earth move, it was more like my brain and my insides moved but not my physical being. It was rather disconcerting. But...now knowing I don't have any major issues, all I need now is the bike's issues taken care of.

When cruising along, it occasionally feels like a growl in the drive and it works its way through the frame and floorboards. It is sort of a low Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr vibration and noise. I have the bike scheduled for its 15,000 service at TSI on Sept 7. So I called them so they can look into the matter when it gets there. Another thing I will have them look at is my volt gauge, it suffers from condensation. And I called TSI again this afternoon, because I found a rust stain coming from the right front fork top at the triple tree, it went from the top of the tube all the way down to the lower section. Hopefully everything can be taken care of on the 7th, because the 911 ride is only three days later.


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