Friday, July 23, 2010

Where are they?

As of the last couple months, membership attendance at the weekly meetings has been great, Lately standing room only. But what makes wonder, is where are all these people during the rides? I understand that the Thursday night ride is hard for some people because of distance or working hours, but what about Sundays?

Official Club ride day.

There seems to be less and less people showing up.

If you're one of them let us know why...

Is it the distance?
Are the rides too short?
Are the rides too long?
Is it because you've been there before and want something new?
Is it because of the weekend trips?
Is it because you don't like poker runs, and we do too many?
Is it because you like Poker runs and we do too few?
Is it because of Tom?  (Remember he's not the old Tom, he's a newer friendlier version, Hey, he eats beef now and hotdogs, and cake, and ice cream. He's been taken over by a Benevolent Spirit)
Is it that you just want to ride by yourself?
Is it because you aren't comfortable in formation.

What ever the reason...
drop me a line at


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