Monday, July 12, 2010

We should have stayed at Steve's!!!

Sandwich and I were returning from New Haven Saturday night, we came back on route 80 into Centerbrook, ran over to Bokum road and the esses, and as we came to the end of the road it began to rain. We jumped on the interstate north.

The fairing on my bike is great, but the windshield is too tall, Rain and on comming headlights made it difficult to see the road so I sat on the rear seat and rode looking over the windshield. Still not bad though, the windshield pushed the rain up over my head.

Sandwich on the other hand has no fairing, and no windshield, so I kept it around 60mph with him tagging along, unsighted and pelted with water. He did o/k for a guy having rain slam him in the face all the way to New London, but I did hear him say, "We should have stayed at Steve's."

I have to say though, you could see the pride beaming off him after we passed the full dresser parked under an over-pass. Real bikers aren't afraid of riding in the rain, and it only rains in the front.


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