Thursday, December 24, 2009

Winter Hill-Climb

Twas the day before Christmas and I was sitting at work this morning, staring at my bike. (All winter it talks to me, every-time I walk by it, it says,"let's go for a ride"). I looked out the door and on the opposite side of the parking lot there is a giant (iceberg giant) pile of snow. And I thought to myself, Hill Climb. I examined the area between the garage door and the hill, and figured there should be enough room to get up the speed needed. problem is that section of lot is in the shade and is covered with packed snow and ice (and will be until April). But a little balance control, and I should be able to do it. So I figured I can set up the video camera and go for it. Then reality set in...700lb bike moving at 45-50 mph meets a giant pile of snow... how far up the hill where it go? It won't ...I can see myself shooting straight into the pile and burying myself and the bike 10 feet in. But you know that might be fun too. Funny anyway....So....Maybe....

It will be a long day today.


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