Wednesday, July 31, 2013

More of the Cloverleaf Competition at the Rodeo

Doug Jr.

Doug Sr.
Listen to those floor boards grinding!

Mike Henry - Makes it look easy

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday Monday Monday

Cars Cars and more cars, That's what was at the beach last night. There were Minis, and Corvettes, Corvettes and Ford Coupes, Dodge Challenges and Corvettes, Corvettes and Pickup trucks. yes there were more Corvettes than anything else. 

For myself, I found it all boring. I am not really into "Classic" cars, and have no use for corvettes "Classic" or other wise. To me it's just a bunch of people who would rather sit with a piece of machinery in hopes some one else drools over it, rather than being out actually using it. I always wanted an old Suicide shift Harley but if I had one, and as long as I have a place to carry a couple extra quarts of oil on the bike, I would sure as hell be riding it rather than sitting next to it. (Old Harleys it is said mark their territory, in actuality they are roving hazards leaving small lakes of Dinosaur squeezings where ever they stop).

Other than the cars there isn't much at the beach, if you're not swimming, playing mini-golf, or dumping change into arcade machines (Ocean beach arcade is like a time portal into the past, except the machines are rather beat up), then you are walking.  

As for sights, it's hopeless, let's face it, this ain't Florida, California or Hawaii, if it is wearing a bikini here it is either older and over weight or it is 10 years old or less, neither of which do much for me. But this is nothing new, I knew this going in and still I went.

Last night I went back to the beach, as a matter of fact to show the colors I brought three other people with me. Tree, Sandwich and Amanda, we walked around, we talked to Wolf, We saw Kim, and Jon again with his Mini. But the only three patches were ours. 

We walked some more, then we stood around, and then walked more. (sigh). B-O-R-I-N-G. Tree and I gave Sandwich a call and said we were done, we had had enough Beach excitement. So we got on the bikes and headed for the land of Jack Daniels Honey and bowls of bacon.

We won't be going back to the beach too soon,
The Blessing will be the next time we go there.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Snorkle Bike

Jason may want to make this modification to his bike!

Support the Middlesex County Meeting Next Tuesday

From the Middlesex County Chairman

Middlesex County meet up 6 Aug  (1st Tues in Aug.)

Meet at Paesan,s Pizza, 1550 Boston Post Rd., Old Saybrook at 6:15 PM
for some chow if you like.

Serenity Soldiers meet up and bike night start at 7:00 PM
Bike contest for anyone ( free.)  50/50 raffle if you like.
Meet the 12 members of this special club.
Leave when we want for ride to town beach for a stop
to cool your feet in the healing salt water.
Naked can be arranged. Then ride along the ocean
to see hurricane damage to Saybrook point.
Next stop is hand made ice cream in town.
From there wherever`````````````````````````
Your Cousin Vinnie

The Serenity Soldiers was formed as a Clean & Sober Club and have expanded to include those who drink but do not use illegal drugs. We are motorcycle riders riding together in support of each other.  
The Serenity Soldiers brings together both bikers that ride in recovery and those that ride without the use of illegal drugs and strive to become responsible and productive members in society.

Bring Your T-Shirts & Sweatshirts to the Meeting

From the Road Guard Captain

Steve Distasio will be available this Thursday, (8/1), to do T-Shirts.  

He will be there around 7 pm so come early if you want shirts done. 

Get your NLMC heat transfers on your shirt and you'll be as happy as Thibs is here. 
(Pretty girl on your arm, not included)

Sunday, July 28, 2013


The weather was good; about 70 degrees when I left my house at about 8:30 AM and partly cloudy. I got down to Dunkin Donuts on Rt. 32 in Montville just before 9:00 AM.

Randall Perry road in at about 9:30 AM on his orange Harley, Dale and Melinda Adams showed up at about 9:45 AM on their blue Honda VTX(?) and Jim Scarritt arrived on his Triumph Adventure just after 10:00 AM. We waited a while longer, but that was it.

I suggested the Vanilla Bean Café in Pomfret as a destination and everyone agreed. I had put together a “Back Roads” route (tertiary and secondary roads) years ago and had taken it many times. Our small group was ideal for this type of ride.

We headed up to Raymond Hill Road, which I passed because I was fixated on the Hostess sign. So we turned into their parking lot instead and came out on Raymond Hill Road. 

The next road I was looking for was Fitch Hill Road. According to my map it would be the fourth road on the right. I either missed two of the roads or it was actually the second road on the right. We passed this and had to turn around. Fortunately that was the last road that I missed. But it was not the last time we’d turn around.

When we got onto Leffingwell Road, Jim pulled ahead of me and motioned to pull over. Turned out I was going a tad too fast on these back roads; so we turned it down a notch and enjoyed a more leisurely pace.

As we turned onto Fitchville Road in Bozrah, I noticed that Randy pulled out a little later than the rest of us. I didn’t think much of it, but he wasn’t with us at the next stop sign, so we turned back. We road back to the last place we saw him; but didn’t come across him. After a bit of “Phone Tag” we learned that Randy didn’t care for taking the back roads and going at a slower pace, so he decided not to stay on the ride.

West bound on Tobacco Street in Lebanon there is a stop sign at Chesboro Bridge Road that is hidden by a small hill and high grass. I have gone through it in the past and almost did again today, it was a good thing we had slowed the pace!

By the time we got to Ashford I think everyone had had enough of the tertiary roads, so we stuck to secondary roads to make better time. We reached our destination at about 12:30 PM.

The Vanilla Bean was packed with bikes, but we easily found a table. The food and service were pretty good; although I don’t understand how my food came out first when Dale and Melinda ordered and sat down before I placed my order. Even Jim’s salad came out before their food and he ordered after me. Still, we didn’t wait long.

Jim needed to head into Manchester. Dale and Melinda had things to take care of at home. So we headed down CT 169 to branch off in various directions. Everyone said they enjoyed the ride.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

More From the Rodeo

Clover Leaf Competition Video Shorts



Road Captain, Tom

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Plan Now for Next Thursday's Meeting

Steve and Sue Distasio will be available to apply heat transferred club logos at this meeting.

They request that you write which logo you want on a piece of paper and pin that piece of paper to the place that you want it to go on your article of clothing.

Large Logo......................................................$8.00 each
Small Sleeve Logo............................................$3.00 each (so you'll need $6.00 to do both sleeves)
Long Sleeve Logo available, but I don't have the price for this.
"New London Motorcycle Club" Written Logo  $2.00 each
(usually worn on front of shirt)

Margo Adams will be available to sew patches. It would be a good idea to pin the patch in the position that you would like her to sew it. Donations happily accepted!

Finally, remember that Linda Young is able to get DVD copies of the Bar Rescue episode that our club participated in for $5.00 each. She can have them available at this meeting, but may need advance notice.

This Sunday's Ride

As you probably know, our Road Captain will be leading the ride up to Old Orchard Beach, Maine tomorrow and won't be able to lead the ride on Sunday.

No ride has been planned for this Sunday, but we will have a ride if you care to join us at the usual place (Dunkin Donuts) and at the usual time (AOB: 10:00 AM).

The destination has not been decided yet and is open to suggestion. Please show up early if you have any suggestions so we can discuss them and work out the details before the 10:00 AM departure. I plan to be there about 9:00 AM.

New Rendezvous Point for Old Orchard Beach Run

If you didn't notice, it rained quite a bit today.

I395 exit 82 in Norwich near Friendly's Restaurant is flooded and closed. 

New rendezvous point is the roadside plaza between exits 89 and 90 Northbound on I395. AOB: 9:30 AM.

The Anarchy is back.

No, not just another NLMC meeting tonight....

Sons of Anarchy's 6th season starts on Sept. 10 with a special 90-minute episode.

Tuesday was National Hot Dog Day


Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Crashes Into Wisconsin Home
In Mount Pleasant Wisconsin, it was reported today that on Friday the Oscar Meyer Wienie mobile drove into a house.

According to the officials on the scene the driver thought she was in reverse and instead she plowed forward into the deck and garage of the house. 

There was no injuries and Oscar Meyer is picking up the repair bill.
I wonder if they pay in cash, check or hotdogs
I'll take one with everything...including the front porch

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Old Orchard Beach Maine Run This Weekend

From the Road Captain

Friday, 07/26/13
AOB: 9:00am Friendly's Restaurant, Norwich, CT
The Road Captain will lead the ride.

Sunday's Ride?

From the President

Naturally not everyone is going to Old Orchard Beach for the weekend. 

If there is someone not going who is willing to lead a ride on Sunday let me know by Wednesday and I will advertise same.

Don't Let the Weatherman Decide If You Ride!

As I am writing this on Wednesday morning, has predicted a 30% chance of a “Passing Shower” on Thursday afternoon and evening.

 They also predict a 30% chance of “Scattered Thunderstorms” for Sunday.

When checking the weather forecast, it often appears as if the club rides are cursed by the “Weather Gods”

But the truth is that IT’S ALL IN THE INTERPRETATION.
Let’s face it, while meteorology (shouldn’t that be the study of meteors?) has improved quite a bit since I first started paying any attention to them (back in the 1970’s) they continue to be notoriously off the mark a good amount of the time. Personally I think that the weathermen throw in that 30% “chance” just to cover their bets!

So the way to interpret the weather data for Thursday and Sunday is that there is a 


I was never an “A” student in math, but I’m pretty sure 70% beats 30% most of the time.

So I look forward to seeing you on the rides this week. 

Monday's Ocean Beach Report

I first stopped by the Club House to see who was at practice, then as per the suggestion made during the meeting (and the fact that there was no way Jenny was about to try the course, she has a turning radius of a dump truck!)

 I headed to the Beach for the Monday Night "Show of Colors". I arrived about 6:15 PM and walked around.

Turnout from the Club was a tad light. Let's see....there was Me and Jenny, then there and, oh After a bit of walking about, (damn little! Physical activity is not my favorite thing, no matter what form it takes), I came across another member Jon Kataisto who  had his Mini on display.

 We talked a bit but with 7 PM closing in (Bar Rescue) and it starting to rain, we headed out.


Regime Change in Rhode Island Chapter

From the President

Doug Young Jr. has been appointed as Chairman of the Washington County R.I., Chapter.

Good Luck to Doug in growing the WCRI Chapter. I believe there is currently 11 in that house.

Doug Young Sr. will continue as the Clubs Sergeant At Arms

Memorial for Randy Jacques at Electric Boat

I'd like to share with the club the memorial here at EB for Randy.

 Paul Neves

We lost a very dear friend and co-worker, Randy Jacques, in a motorcycle accident yesterday. Wednesday July 17th would have been his 44th birthday.
To honor our friend, four parking spaces will be reserved tomorrow for motorcycle parking and a birthday message written in chalk. We would like all motorcycles to park in these spaces. Chalk will be available if you wish to leave a message.


Jeff Grandchamp
General Dynamics Electric Boat
Supervisor of Electrical Design

Randy's wife, April, stopped by yesterday and wrote a Thank you note on the pavement.  I would like to share it with all of you.

Thank you,

Crystal Bednarz

"Thank you 
Randy is 
looking down
on all of us.
His spirit will
live on in our
hearts forever"

Randy may have been a fairly new member, but he jumped in with both feet! He will be missed and every time I ride by his gravesite on Rt.32 I think of him and feel him riding beside me. 

                    Dave Adams

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Indian That Inspired Our Logo?

Thought the club might want to see these pictures I took at Mohegan Sun a couple of weeks ago.  Just happened to be a 1939 Indian and I thought that was quite a coincidence with the first year of our club.
Paul Neves

Wow, look at that pillion seat!

Until We Meet Again

This is the poem that Vinny Pons found online and Danny Dunn read at Randy Jacques' funeral service. 

It hurts so bad, to say goodbyes,
Pain is felt, with tear filled eyes,

The news we dread, want not and fear,
Suddenly reality, becomes crystal clear,

Knowing the risk, and chances we take,
We start up our motors, the trip we do take,

With freedom, and passion, the wind in our hair,
You may not have made it, but we'll meet you there,

I'm not sure when, but I'll see you my friend,
Making sure that your journey, never will end,

Riding beside you, our spirits set free,
All of us bikers, together we'll be.

Author Unknown

Monday, July 22, 2013

Missed "Bar Rescue"? Here's your chance to see it.

From the Secretary

If anyone wants a copy of last night's Bar Rescue, Linda Young can get them for $5.00 a disc. 
Please contact her directly.

Last Chance for Orchard Beach Trip

From the Secretary

If anyone is interested in getting in on the trip to Old Orchard Beach, Maine, (7/26 - 7/28), Jim Scarritt has a room available.  He can not go, so if your interested, contact him directly.  Don't wait, because otherwise he will just cancel the room.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Beaver Tail State Park Run

Here are some photos courtesy of Randall Perry.

Pit Stop?