Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nice equipment

If anyone watched the video in the previous post, the rider (crasher) was wearing a GoPro Hero HD helmet cam. This camera has excellent resolution and sound producing a great picture, and it appears to be shock resistant.

Camera kit retails for $299.00

Between the Camera and the bike you know the guy is not afraid to spend was he wearing loafers?


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Winter riding video, You tube link

Tom forwarded me this video for linking. He also sent some notes which I post here.

So watch the video, then read the comments.

First I didn't think the water crossing the road was that bad. BUT it must have been water with ice which is the worse because there is no traction and the bike wheels follow the curve of the road at two different speeds of drift and unless you can get one wheel on a tractable surface your cooked. I was thinking as he rode it's sunny, good view ahead, shadows are small and he's staying out of them when possible. Doing everything right, until all went wrong..

 Second is what he's wearing. The only good thing to do with fingerless gloves is pick your ass or noise (you can choose which one first ) Then there is the foot ware...leather Loafers. WTF no sandals.

 Third, He takes far to long to start getting his bike up from the travel lane just after the ice pavement. You want to clear the road to protect others as soon as possible. Leave the plastic and get the bike out of harms way, or there will be another crash right where he's standing.
He also can't pick up his own bike and when help arrives the only thing they do right is put out the kick stand. I know it's hard to buy a new bike and then drop it on the ground to learn how to pick it up. BUT do you want the first time to be in the middle of a heavy intersection in the rain. Learn how and you will know it for ever.

This movie is has great sound and quality showing a crash of a bike at 40-45 mph. It is great to use as a teaching tool. I know because I have done it and if you have,  your ass and fore armare  likely a bit sore just watching.


I have to say apart from the accident the Video camera has excellant quality, sound and suffers none of the usual shock signal breakup when the helmet hit the pavement.


I've heard of Sabre jets, I have heard that they can fly

But...A flying Buick LeSabre?

WARNING: Language.

We ran this at work,

Someone said, "Must be Kentucky"

Now I won't paint with that wide of a brush do make ya thank donit?


Vid Vid Vid Viddroooooooooooom

If ya like Harleys you'll like this,

If you don't like Harleys, you can relate to this


What's wrong with THIS picture?

So, if you haven't noticed there is a new background foto on the page. This foto was taken last year on January 1st at the Dave Adams "I'm a Duck" event. The weather was a little backwards being 60 degrees out.

So can you see otohp eht htiw gnorw s'tahw ?


Tuesday, December 27, 2011


This years "Year Book" will actually consist of two books. Part one will cover January 1st through June 30th. The books will follow the two previous years style being in Gold with the year printed large across the top of the cover. 

The first book (Jan. 1 - Jun 30) will be going to print shortly. I had a couple of people asking about receiving copies. This book will have 262 pages and will cost $109.65 before shipping.

Part Two (Jul 1 - Dec 31). I have no information as of yet regarding either page count or cost. This will be calculated in mid January.

If you are interested let me know, I will be holding off the order of book 1 until after New Years.
Book Two will probably run during the middle of the month.


Monday, December 26, 2011

Celebrated Christmas.

 I have found that I really like Christmas. Let's face it, when the Truth about Santa comes to us the Magic of Christmas is lost. Childhood dreams become reality, and the day becomes what it was always suppose to be, a Religious holiday, although Corporate America would like to have us forget this.

But I found another reason to Love Christmas day, it may seem petty, and it sure isn't respectful. The reason is selfish and down right Heathen. But I like Christmas because of the sharing, and the family gatherings. Everyone gets together with their loved ones and spends the day with them surrounded by food and conversations. And while all this is going on....They are not on the roads!  No One!!! Anywhere!!!!  I cruised along yesterday after leaving Trees, I took back roads, middle roads and the highway. I went through downtown Mystic, and through the Groton shopping areas, and   I    WAS   ALONE.  It was wonderful!!!  When was the last time you were on I-95 and there was no one else, anywhere, at all.

The roads were MINE,  MINE I TELL YOU!!!!

Just me, my bike and the the great outdoors...Truly Heaven on earth.



Woke up this morning with a cats ass in my face, not a great start to the day, I would have preferred if she is going to join me in bed that she have the decency to at least face a different direction.

I did the laundry and awaited a phone call. Sandwich, if you are not aware, was in from Ohio. He called and we hooked up at the EQ. Timing for the visit could not have been better for him, with Tree laid up due to knee surgery, Sandwich had her bike to use, (his is back in the Toledo area). Reuben's favorite food is bacon, this is one area I really agree with him, the difference is I eat at the Equinox allot. So while waiting for him to arrive I ordered ham, toast, and coffee. Eggs are something I leave to Raccoons. Reuben arrived and ordered bacon. The Equinox gives a pretty good portion of the crispy pig product, but I believe they give you that much because it is the only way to get rid of it. The EQ deep fries their bacon, very crispy, no bacon taste.

After eating, we hit the roads, we cruised up and down through Stonington, North Stonington, Preston, Jewitt City and Norwich before heading for the Club for him to check out the "Pavilion".

The weather was fantastic and so was the ride, I had forgotten how much I enjoy cruising with that kid. Except for Montville the temperature was between 38 and 42. The bank in Montville said it was 58 but I think that may be a "tad" off reality.

Reuben handled Trees bike much the way he does "Le' Orange" and we only let off the throttle a few times. These were the wet areas along 201 and Northwest Corner roads. Shiny wet roads when the temp is hovering in the thirties gives one pause to think. I told Reuben he actually looked good on the bike except for that stuffed Pegasus on the bars. There's something about a biker in full leathers with a little girls stuffed horsey that doesn't seem quite right.

Being able to cruise with him was a pretty good Christmas present. At about 1230 I surrendered him to the highway and to return to Amanda and I headed home. He will be heading back to Ohio in the morning.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

A good couple days

Saturday, Reuben (Sandwich) and myself headed to Montville to the Dunkin to hook up with those members heading for the PGR flag stand in Taftville. We arrived to find Paul N. and Tom L. at coffee. We were joined by Evert G. and Danny D.. At 9am Paul lead the six of us up 32 to 2a (395 north) to 2, bypassing Norwich, past Backus then 169 to South 2nd in Taftville. We pulled into the Knights of Columbus to meet the PGR riders. After a little bit of standing around outside we moved inside to the heat. As a recognition of Sandwiches Holiday visit he and I had drink.

As the time approached for the flag stand we mounted the bikes and moved a couple blocks up and parked the bikes on a side street, picked up the flags and waited. Here there was a simple intelligence test given. The only Club members who passed this test were Dave Adams, Myself and Sandwich, We stood on the sunny side of the road while the rest of the Club chose the shade. Failing this simple test were, Tom L., Paul N.,  Kim St. H., Marty C., Tammy P., Patty and Bill D..  There was a significant difference between the sun side and the shade. Those in the shade suffered cold fingers and feet, while we were noticing how warm it was wearing leathers.

At the designated time The Norwich Police escort rolled in followed by the PGR flag bikes and truck, and the Norwich Police bringing up the rear.

A member of one of the last groups to come home from Iraq, U.S. Army Pfc. Tyler LaFlemme (82nd Airbourne) was met by about 40 flags, friends and family.

It still amazes me how young these kids, volunteering to risk their lives to protect this country, are. And this was one of my more favorite PGR missions. It is an absolute pleasure to welcome them home while they are alive.

For more photos visit

After the stand was over, many of the Club went their own way. Sandwich and myself joined Tom for his annual Christmas Eve shopping spree, while Kim St. H. joined us for the ride down as far as New London.

We met Jason at the mall, Tom did his shopping while the three of us took up position as his entourage.  Shopping over we headed for Applebees for lunch. This over, I headed to Wally world, Jason home, and Reuben followed along with Tom to Mikes Harley. Mikes was closed, Tom headed west, Reuben headed to North Stonington.

Christmas day:

I awoke to find my favorite type of Christmas...brown. Most people get all ooy and ahhy over a white Christmas, I find that to be totally over rated. A white Christmas to me means a number of things. First, there will be some shoveling to be done, NOT one of my favorite things, Second, anything not shoveled will turn to ice on concrete and pavement. Third, I will not be able to have a bike under me.
Forth, Snowy icy roads means rock salt and sand, This means wet slushy, salty dirt, all over the bike when the roads are clear.

So Brown it was and I was happy, I took off and cruised through Stonington, had lunch and hugs at the EQ, then cruised Mystic and Groton.

Tomorrow with any luck will be the same, and Sandwich and myself will be on the roads.

What do you think? Three good days?


Friday, December 23, 2011

Danny is Anal, but it's OK...he knows it

Yesterday the weatherman predicted (guessed) that it would be 53 degrees F and sunny, amazingly enough, I had the day off.

I had a call from The VP at 7am, (he is on vacation until January something) So being prompt I got right back to 9am. I headed to the Equinox for Breakfast and to wait for him. In case you are not aware of it, it takes him a long time to get dressed, clean and polish his bike, and inspect his yard for wayward leaves and such before he hits the road.

Breakfast was free, a Christmas gift from the Morning waitress. Done eating I went out to the bike, had a smoke, watched traffic go by, had another smoke, watched some more traffic go by, went for a ride around Old Mistick Village, three times, then met him back at the E-Q before we hit the road. The sun was shining bright the temperature was up and he arrived in chaps, leathers, gloves, heavy sweatshirt and all other winterized accouterments. I told him he was a little over dressed.

As usual Danny had me lead, I am not sure if he has a sense of direction. We cruised up Coogan to JB road then down Pequotsepos and across the hilltop roads on the Stonington side of Mystic. As we rode the clouds rolled in , I stopped at the station (railroad) and changed my cutoff gloves for full gloves, Danny gloated.

From Mystic we cruised east through Stonington, Great town, lots of women running along with short shorts. We headed up South and North Anguilla to rte 184 and North Stonington. We cruised across 2 to Cossaduct Hill road (201), I turned onto Northwest Corner road and for the first time of the Day, Danny had no idea where we were. He had an issue with a vest chain so we stopped on 165, he fixed his vest, I topped off the tank and put on Chaps, more gloating.

West on 165, Dan suggested we stop by and see Rick, a right on McClimon rd, a right on Jewitt City road, this took us up to 164, although Danny was once again...lost. Love doing that to him.

Into Jewitt City on 201 out of Jewitt City on 138, in Sprague we took 207 west across rte 32, good speeds along the route and caught a green light for the 32 intersection. 207 through Lebanon, and we pulled up in the wilds at Ricks.

Now, here is where we get back to the title of today's entry, Danny does not like mess, everything...EVERYTHING has to be neat and tidy. Rick was sitting on a stump next to a wood splitter, he had a nice pile of split wood in front of him and more tossed in the wood shed, this bothered Dan. Danny doesn't like to see things not finished, if it isn't finished, it isn't Dunn. So off came the leathers, on went Ricks work gloves and he went to work. I fed wood to Rick, and tossed those that did not need splitting to Dan. The sun was out now and it was warm and toasty. Dan stacked everything that wasn't stacked when we arrived and everything Rick split while we were there.

At about 1:15pm we said our goodbyes to Rick and headed out, Danny suggested we take 207 and 16 over to Colchester then 85 back, I suggested that he should do that, but it made no sense for me to go to Colchester when I live in Mystic, so at the end of Clubhouse road we went our separate ways.

Does this story have a

Does it have a reason that it was written, sure, I was at work, and I was bored.

Does it have a message, definitely, if you are in the middle of a project, doesn't matter what, and there is cleaning up involved, invite Danny over for a visit, don't tell him why you are really inviting him, just tell him it's to visit. When he gets there, I guarantee he will take care of what ever needs cleaning up. 

If you need more proof of this, ask Tom. when they were working on the club, Danny went around cleaning up the area, picking up wood scraps and burning them, even scraps that weren't scraps, small pieces to be used elsewhere went away, Notes with measurements went away.

Call him, he lives to tidy up, I'll bet even Vanessa will tell you, he makes a wonderful wife.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Will the real Officer Moran please stand up

How did he get the hair to stand up like that?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Our President was caught with...

Another woman?

Jim is another year older and as these fotos I have acquired will contest, his eye sight is not what it used to be.

Jim, in case you are not aware of it,

That is one ugly, hairy chick

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ayoutube link sent to me

The following link is called Hitler wants a Harley for Sturgis

Warning: Written Swears

I love "Old Red"

I love riding behind that bike, the frames on the older bikes were not welded, they were drilled and pinned, which is really fitting. It's rather like senior citizen hip replacement technology. As the bike rolls down the road it tracks straight and rides straight but gives the impression that every part of the bike wants to go in different directions. The right rear saddle back with the no longer available from Harley rear cover latch not working adds to the effect. The lid hangs out to the right and bounces along as the bike cruises the roads.

I get the impression that if it were a person it would be wearing a fedora. That would be a male of course,if it were female it would have bluish gray hair.

Wait a minute...was that bike grayish blue over red originally, or was the Ev's?


Incorrect information

It would seem that My secretary is daffy.

Chris I can say did NOT hit a deer. The problem is my informant doesn't read long stories on E-mails or the blog. He SCANS. So he saw "Deer", "Chris" "Motorcycle" and "crash" and filled in the rest with his imaginative imagination.

Having him actually READ the message aloud, the truth is more like this.

"Chris" was cruising along and a "Deer" jumped in front of him. He made an avoidance move but the "motorcycle" hit the painted line, skidding him into a cement curb on Vauxhall street. The crash did damage the front of the bike. Chris limped the bike home.

Note:...always check your sources.


It's still number 14.

14, with an assist.

During the meeting Dave Adams stated that he hit another deer with his bike, then he produced a fuzzy fake antler out of his shirt.

A week ago Tom mentioned that the next person to hit a deer to hit it broadside so that we could have the head mounted on the Club-house wall.

Well last night, while a group of us headed off to Dunkin, Chris L. went off in his own direction. Unfortunately, from what I heard this morning, his direction was on a direct intercept course with one of the afore mentioned fuzzy critters. The bike I have been told maybe Totaled, but more importantly, Chris escaped with only scratches and bruises.

So Chris, I am glad to hear you are OK, but did you get to save the deers head? It might go someway to softening the fact that  The Clone is Dead.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Maybe maybe not

I heard a rumor,

It has to do with supper tonight.

I heard from a friend of mine who heard it from someone else that they may have seen what we may be dinning on tonight.

The way it goes is The Steward heard about a farm that may have had an issue with pesticides and the D.E.P. so he bought the farmers entire flock before the boys in the white suits came to take them.

This way he can pass the savings on to the club.

Mmmmmmm White meat

MO FO Sale

1992 Honda 250 Quad 2 wheel drive
New Tires
New Seat
New Fenders
New Grips
Blue and White

$2000.00 or Best Offer
Ask For Kelsey


A 1997 Harley Davidson LowRider one owner.
Black and Blue marbelized Paint
EVO 80inch
Screaming Eagle E11 Cam
Phase One upgrade
Straight Loud Cycle Shack Drag Pipes
Wide Glide front end
All  original tins also (Black and Gray)

$7500.00 or Best Offer

See Beebe for contact


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This post is about tiny people

This has noting to do with motorcycles or Clubs,
But if you have little ones you might be interested.

Have you noticed a infestation in your house?

Doe's your house have a constant, almost annoying noise emanating from it?

Is there a room in your house that won't stay clean no matter how many times you clean it?

 Do things in the house get broken and no one admits to it?

These are all tell tale indications that your house might be infested with "Little people"

(Or drunks)

well... either way Christmas is on the way, and that means that jolly fat man in the red suit is on the way.

Here's a website directed right at those little people who may be interested in that Fat dude.

It is NORAD SANTA. it has satellite tracking so they know where he is on Christmas eve, and make sure you visit the link to "Kids Countdown Village" . They can scroll along the village click on a building and play the game inside. Each building has a different game or streaming music. up the site, put that Tiny person in your life in front of the screen and keep them out of your hair for a while. Of course you will have to put up with that annoyingly incessant Christmas music that drones on and on hour after hour day after day this time of year.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A new lesson learned

This lesson has to do with protective head wear while riding.

There are many styles of protective head wear, Full face helmets, half helmets, 3/4 helmets, etc.

I prefer to wear cotton/poly head wear while riding (above 20 degrees F), This keeps the top of your head warm and dry. My particular choice in gear is much like the one pictured below, albeit in black.

Now you will notice that the hat has a chin strap of sorts. This strap's function is to get picked up by the wind and float around in front of your face while riding unless you tighten and tuck it in your jacket. I had found this out quite a while ago and usually do just that. Sunday though I forgot, I was riding along the highway and the strap started floating around in front of my face. Now, cruising along at 80 plus mph (with traffic) means you cannot just let go of the bars, grab the strap, pull down on the tassel end with one hand and slide the leather tightening ring upward with the other. Sometimes you can catch the ring with your teeth and use them to pull against to tighten the strap but I digress. What I did Sunday, instead, was to simply catch the strap in my hand, throw it over the hat so it was behind my head. this worked fine and there was no issue until I was on route 161. Here is where I learned a lesson. with the strap behind your head, if you turn to look at something the strap drags along your back and shoulders, where, if you are as lucky as myself it can catch on your opposite side jacket epaulet. You won't notice it do so...until you turn your head back to the travel direction and find you actually can't turn your head back to the travel direction. the strap has firmly attached itself and has anchored your hat in the left "sightseeing" position.

From this time, until you are able to dislodge your "leash" you are cruising along, with your head turned left, trying to look right and keep an eye on where you are going until you can dislodge your tether. Looking out of the corner of your eyes while riding down the road does make the ride more interesting.

I can say I saw more Christmas lights than I normally would have.
Hey, sometimes we need a challenge to keep us on our toes. 

Yesterday, the day before today, Monday

I awoke late, having slept through two alarm clocks. I was so late that I decided to forgo the bike and took the car. Normally I would have been up at 6 and had plenty of time to put on the chaps, heated gear, jacket and vest, then unlock the bikehouse (like a doghouse for a bike), warmed it up and leave, but luckily I was late and could not do all those fun things that need to be done to ride. I say luckily because as it turns out there was a tad bit of frost on the I-95 bridges over the Thames and a number of cars spun and crashed on it, both directions. (North and southbound bridges), but being late, and being in the car, there was no such drama when I arrived. This I feel was probably a good thing, I some how feel that putting your bike and yourself on the ground while traveling on a highway, amongst a pack of spinning and sliding cars, would probably have been a bad thing. That sort of thing might damage your ride and give you an ouchie or two.

Today I awoke on time, and I can happily report that the bridges over the Thames were wet, but not slickery in the least.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Niantic Light Parade was tonight.

I have done the Groton Parade and I have done the Montville Parade, but until tonight...I had not ridden the Niantic. I have to is the most interesting. The amount of floats and the amount of work they did on them was amazing!

We met at Mickeys on 161 in Flanders and proceeded to the parade Staging area. Traffic on the way into town was ridiculous so we pulled off and took back roads over to 156. After checking with the Parade Marshal Tom came back and told us there was no set order but we had to make sure we were ahead of the horses.

 The Parade kicked off with fireworks which the two horses behind us did not appreciate. We had already noticed that the wagon the horses towed, backed up occasionally as the horses waited and we decided to move the bikes away. This would turn out to be a good move because once the fireworks started the horses grew a little nervous and before it was over they had moved the cart back a good 10 feet. had the bikes still been there they would have been doubling as wheel chocks for the wagon.

People  lined the roads, I had been told that Niantic had a big turnout but this was far and above what I was expecting.

It was an interesting parade and we had (per normal) the Main Drill Team leading, followed by the Club riders, then the Second Drill Team bringing up the rear. I had no lights on my bike so I was positioned in the Third row of bikes between Dana and Kim St. H.

I stalled once, on the downhill. When my bike starts to overheat it goes into cooling mode, It shuts off the rear cylinder and that cylinder becomes an air pump to keep the engine cool. Dana and Myself were playing Christmas music over the radios and since I could not hear the engine, I forgot to blip the throttle to kick the rear cylinder back to life before died. No big deal, the starter brought it back to life pretty quick.

After the Parade we headed to Illianos on 161 for supper and chat, Chris did not seemed to be too thrilled when Rich set him up with a Birthday cake and the Club sang happy birthday.  All in all a Great night.

Kudos to Wolfie, Dave Adams, Linda Graser and Kaitlyn Perkins for their work in walking ahead of the Club moving the Crowd back so the Drill team could do their thing.

Two things about the evening that stood out for me. A load of Candy being tossed out of a Tourpack and the resulting swarm of children to hit the street for it. (Looked like a Seagull attack).

The other thing that sticks out is watching my mirrors as the second team behind us and seeing the movement stop with a great cluster of lights in the middle of the road. This brought about the best quote of the night, the quote came at dinner, it was..."I didn't fall down...I ran over Danny....then I fell down".



Leather Elf

Parade Start

Can you tell the horses didn't like the Fireworks?


You would think an Elf would know you need to wear gloves in the cold.
Hey! How do YOU warm a frozen thumb?

Sarasota opens new Clubhouse

The Sarasota Chairman has opened the new Clubhouse

Seems rather surealistic doesn't it. We have 29 degree weather, no leaves and winter rolling in, down south...

All they need are hills to ride.


Good Luck Ginny and P.C.O.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Another heated option

It has been brought to my attention by one Mister Fogerty that I overlooked a company producing heated gear, Tourmaster.

The prices below are those that are printed on the Tourmaster website.

Synergy 2.0 Electric Jacket liner:  $234.99
Synergy Electric Pant liner:    $154.99
Synergy Electric Gloves:    $169.99
Synergy Textile gloves:   $149.99
Synergy full pant liner:  $169.99
Synergy 2.0 Vest liner:  $174.99
Synergy 2.0 Vest liner with collar:  $179.99
Synergy 2.0 Chap liner:  $124.99
Synergy 2.0 Pant liner:  $184.99

As with all the electic gear, you can usually find it cheaper going through a distributer like, Jafrum, or the motorcycle superstore.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Riding warm and toasty...Heated equipment

Let's face it, if you are just jumping on the bike to run to the corner store all you need to do is dress warm. your body will stay warm inside your clothes for a short period. But if you want to ride, Then you need the correct gear.

No matter how you look at it, riding in the cold can be more than bone chilling and ear burning, as your body loses heat it also loses maneuverability. Muscle tightens as the body tries to keep the trunk warm.

Heated gear is the way to go, it keeps you warm, comfortable, and operating without bulky layers of clothes which can also restrict body motion.

What you need depends a lot on the individual and how far you plan on riding. You maybe able to get along with a sweat shirt under leather and heated gloves. Fingers, it seems, feel the cold the earliest and the most. Heated gloves come in many styles, plug in or rechargeable battery powered. They are made by many companies such as Gerbing, Grabber, Technic Longear, and Venture with prices ranging from $15.00 to $211.00.
You can be sure that the cheaper the price, the cheaper the product. battery powered also limits the ride time to whatever the battery can hold rather than running off the bike.

For the quick commute or short rides (think parades ) battery powered may be the way to go if you are strapped or cash. These are also good if you don't plan on riding often and don't want to make a huge investment. But remember not to go too cheap, You should also keep quality in mind. It makes no sense to spend a few dollars today and find that the item doesn't last. So if you are planning short to medium length rides I would suggest a mid-range priced item. Something with a good name. remember not only does the item have to have heat but you have to be able to wear it more than once and you have to be able to wear it and be flexible enough so you can control your sled.

For longer rides there are a number of companies that offer heated gear and you can decide how much of the ensemble you which to wear. Myself I have the gloves and jacket liner by Gerbing. I run that with thermal pants and chaps. But the truth is, if you are going to be on your bike for an extended period of time the full suit is the way to go.

There are jacket liners (which you wear inside another jacket) or heated jackets. There are also heated vests. Pant liners and pants, socks and sole inserts, No matter what you get or where you get it, none of it works until you buy a controller to run the equipment. (Harley requires a separate power connector, the others include that wire with the controller).

Below are some of the options available.
Gerbing appears to have the widest variety of equipment


Jacket  $230.00
Vest liner  $190.00
Dual source heated vest $195.00
Heated Pant liner $175.00
Battery gloves  $170.00
Heated gloves  $185.00
Dual control  $100.00
Single control  $60.00
Connecting harness  $20.00

Lady riders gloves $169.95
T5 gloves $169.95
G3 gloves $139.95
Hybrid gloves (battery or bike)  $195.95
Nubuck gloves  $119.95
Glove liners  $79.95 (fit inside your gloves)
Jacket liner  $199.95 (worn under another jacket)
Vest liner  $139.95  (worn under a jacket)
Pant liner $199.95  (pullover)
Extreme Element jacket  $369.95    outer wear
Hybrid Light jacket  $349.95            outer wear
Extreme Element pants  $279.95     outer wear
Socks  $89.95
Insoles  $59.95
Controller (single) $69.95
Controller dual $99.95
Permanent Controller (single)  $89.95
Permanent Controller (dual)  $119.95

Jacket liner  $199.95
Pant liner  $189.95
Socks  $59.95
Rider gloves $129.95
Carbon gloves  $169.95
Passenger gloves $119.95
Glove liner $59.95
Controller single item single control $39.95 
Dual controller up to $139.95

VEST $135.00
Single controller $59.95
Single with USB port for charging cel phones and mp3 players  $59.95
Foot warmer kit  $89.95  (cut to fit insole).

Stay warm and  enjoy the ride.
There is no reason to be on your bike and miserable,
if you want miserable....take your cage.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Goldwing Recall

Dragging rear brake issue....

Hey..Tom has been having that problem...

Is Old Red.... can't be....

It's a Honda?

Loud Pipes?

The link below was sent by Bobble,

It is another article from HD Forum. This one has to do with Loud Pipes, A Camera, and Calgary, yes...the Great White North.

I guess Canada isn't as cool as I once thought it was. (Except maybe in temperature)

So if you want to find out if your pipes are too loud, (by Calgary standards) take a ride north.

They'll let you know.

Ape Hangers

Here is an article about that very subject in HD Forums

Link sent by Evert

Virtual Vietnam Wall

This link was sent to me from Karen.

"It is really awesome.  Try it out, I found one of Bub's friends who didn't make it.  It shows is medals, the day he entered the army and how he was killed, and the date. 
Who ever made this link, spent a lot of time.  Forward it to everyone you know.  I just wish they had a link to WW II."


A Request

Whomever has borrowed the 2010 Club yearbook.

Please get in touch with either Jason or myself. I need to see it in order to have the 2011 printed.

Thank you

This weekend (W W W)

We have the Parade Sunday...but that leaves us Saturday.
What better way to celebrate the Holiday season than looking at and possibly purchasing
Weapons of Mass Destruction!!!

Dec 10, 2011 - Dec 11, 2011
Antique & Modern Firearms Show

The Eastern States Exposition
Yes...The BIG E.

Better Living Center

For further information visit:

The wonderful world of Gerbing

I have been in love with my Gerbing wear from the first day I tried it. I turned it on high to test it out and riding down the road I could smell that smell electrical items make when they are new, and the heat on the arms (short sleeve) was almost painful. I started to wonder if it was going to light up.

From that day on I have ridden all year long. If there was no ice or snow covering the roads I was heated and riding.

At the end of last year the right glove stopped working, the problem, it turned out, was not the glove but the power feed in the right jacket sleeve. The end of the cold weather was upon us so I put the gear away. It sat in my closet all spring and summer. I knew I had to buy a new jacket but who can part with a few hundred dollars these days. In October I mentioned it to Evert and he told me Gerbing is warrantied forever. MY GOD!!! I wish I had talked to him last Spring. I called Gerbing and found he was correct, The Electrics are guaranteed, the fabric and such is not. they gave me a Auth. number and I sent it in. Gerbing told me it would take 6 to 8 weeks. That was October 19th.  Since then I have been fortunate that the weather has been warm. Last night, December 7th, I came home and found a soggy box on my front walk. My Gerbing jacket had come home, 7 weeks and it was back. I awoke this morning and the temperature was closer to where it should be this time of year. I guess gerbing is better than I thought, not only did they get my jacket back to me in the time they said they would, they kept the weather warm until it came back.

What a company !!!


I drove the car to work.

Trouble with the menu?

It may have been mentioned to me that there was some difficulty in reading the menu for the Thursday meal.
Seems there may have been a language issue. It is probably because the menu was "Czy polską" (In Polish)

Kiełbasa, marchew, czerwone ziemniaki szczęścia, kapusta
Sałatka, chleb w / masło
Kawa, herbata, deser

Let's take this one word at a time to see what lost you:

Kielbasa = if this one confused you, you should give up now and not read the rest of this.

marchew =  carrots

czerwone ziemniaki szczęścia = this one I can understand why you maybe confussed,
                                               There is no Polish/English equal to the word bliss. So 
                                               it translates as Red Potatoes Luck. (red Bliss potatoes)

 kapusta = cabbage

 Sałatka = salad            All you have to do is look at the word...I mean come on
                                   ..use those Brain cells.

chleb w / masło = bread with butter

kawa = coffee

herbata = tea     

deser = I'm not helping you here... it's pretty easy.

The following is the blessing:

Pobłogosław Panie Boże nas i te dary, które z Twojej opatrzności spożywać mamy. Przez Chrystusa, Pana naszego. Amen

Tonights Meal

Kiełbasa, marchew, czerwone ziemniaki szczęścia, kapusta
Sałatka, chleb w / masło
Kawa, herbata, deser

Pobłogosław Panie Boże nas i te dary, które z Twojej opatrzności spożywać mamy. Przez Chrystusa, Pana naszego. Amen

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

AMA has a new look

and a more functional and user friendly web page

I work where darkness reigns

There is no true Joy where I work, It is a land of Darkness and Despair.

We told them that people EXPECT businesses to be decorated for Christmas, they stared at us blankly.

So we hung up lights in our department, we pushed for them to decorate...

Finally..after much wafting and grunting they sent out a Manager to buy Christmas decorations for the showroom.

And I didn't even know that Funeral Homes sold Christmas Trees.

(Addams Family Christmas? - Munsters celebrate the season?)


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Don't miss our Annual Christmas Party! Great time, great food!

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

Adult Annual Christmas Party

Yankee Swap, Potluck Dinner, BYOB

6:00pm Cocktails, 7:00pm Dinner

Patti Duerrler is your organizer

Bring a gift for $ 15.00 or more from each adult in your group. If you need to bring a child be aware that this is an adult party and alcohol will be present. If you bring a child you will also need a gift for that child so the child doesn't feel left out. Bring your favorite dish to contribute to the buffet. It gets a little crazy and is a lot of fun. This year should be great with the use of our new addition.

From the President

Work Parties:

Sat. 12/03: Mike Bouret & Jim McCabe got 2 doors and 2 windows trimmed. EXCELLENT job!

Fri. 12/09: Bryan Kowalski will be putting a second coat of poly on the ceiling, which means no cutting cannot be done inside as we need to keep the room as dust free as possible. If anyone is available to assist Bryan it would be appreciated. He will be doing this by hand as there are now obstacles in the ceiling to navigate around. We have a temporary Propane Fireplace setup as it will be cold.


On Sunday 12/4 NLMC took first place in the Montville Holiday Light Parade in category of Best Motion.

On Saturday 12/3 NLMC is rumored to have taken 1st Place in the Groton Holiday Light in category and overall. Not official yet, awaiting word.

On Sunday 12/11 we will perform in the Niantic Light Parade which will begin and end with Fireworks. We are hoping for a great turnout of riders. We never seem to get better the 2nd place at this one so we just try harder.

Last Parade:

Sunday 12/11/11 Niantic Holiday Light Parade
AOB: 4:00pm @ McDonalds/CVS Parking Lot
Rte 1 @ Rte 161, Flanders 4 Corners, East Lyme

New Member

Kim St. Hilaire

Former Harley rider but currently rides a 650 Ninja
Member of the Patriot Guard
Not the Ugly one on the left

WWII in HD, "Motorcycle"

Check the link

A personal note about the Groton Parade

I believe that Club should win top over all participant. They were the only thing that put on a real show.

There were only two other groups doing anything, one was the Shriner's, who rode in circles on their mini jeeps.

The other group that did something was the golf cart following the horses. They actually got the most applause, (after the Club). They just cruised along and every so often stopped got off their vehicle,with their shovels, cleaned up after the horses, waved and drove along again, awaiting the next call of duty. (dooty?)


Monday, December 5, 2011

Montville Patch Montville parade


See the boys and girls going around in circles

The Club made all 4 videos

A technical note to the drill team, If you drive slower you would get better video quality


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Groton Light Parade

Practice before the show

Doesn't he know...Size doesn't matter

Maybe it does

Dan Helps with repairs, Chris found out that when you are dragging your footboards, having lights attached to the bootom of them is not such a good thing

Need a different camera setting me thinks