Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What's with the two dates on the entries?

We have two blogs in the Club, One "Beard in the Wind" or "In the Wind" was the original Blog started by Ron Durand (The Beard in the wind). When he became ill I took over for him, and decided to have a "complete, on going blog" (In the Wind) and a new blog to be used as a year book. The New blog I named "New London MC", the idea behind it was that I would post each entry twice, once in each blog. At the end of the year We could Print that years book (New London MC) and save it in the Club. (Hardcover). Then I would delete all the entries in the "yearbook" and start fresh for the next years book.

We printed and have two year books right now, Now here is the reason for the double date postings...

When Ron passed away, his email account was locked, and without the Gmail account password we could not access the "In the Wind" blog. So the main history blog fell behind. After a few months we received a new password and once again had access. Unfortunately, I had a lot going on and was unable (or unwilling) to start transferring the info over. I have now begun the transfer so we can get a printed copy. The issue is, each post you enter gets automatically dated. So I have the "Post" date added so you know when the item was originally posted.

As soon as I get both blogs caught up, I will have the New London MC blog printed, then delete all the entries and go from there.

Sorry about any confusion.


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