Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sunday 10-10-10

Posted Sunday October 10,2010 New London MC (NLMC) blog

Eyaaaa, Rodeo!!!

Vehicles started arriving at 11am to help set up and generally visit with other members. At around noon food was served and the club began to really gather to enjoy the days festivities while some worked on the new flag-pole memorial.

At 1pm the games began, the games consisted of single rider and two up events, including slow races, board riding, ball toss, placing balls on cones, and taking balls off of cones too name a few. Laughter seemed to be the main thing of the day.

I didn't take many photos, those I did are shown below, mainly I filmed video, and plan on adding the footage to Youtube.

Everyone in attendance seemed to have a good time, during the two up games, while most people had their wives and or girlfriends on the back, Tree and Reuben opted for a different approach, with Tree driving and Reuben riding Bitch, a little later Rocket joined the ride and turned Reuben into the meat of a sandwich between her and Tree, Truly a Reuben Sandwich.


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