Wednesday, January 5, 2011

From the President

Posted October 9,2010 NLMC blog

I have been asked some questions so let me cover it for all.

Road Guards

* Open to anyone except e-board except an exigent situation, such as no Road Guards or Road Sergeants show up on a ride.
* Road Guards obviously are selected by the Road Guard Captain, after the member qualifies by meeting simple riding tasks. It is the duty of the Road Guard Captain to maintain a list of qualified Road Guards copied to the E-Board, in the event the Road Gauard Captain is not present. In that situation Road Guards will take direction from the Road Captain.
Road Sergeants
* Takes on the duty of Road Captain when the Road Captain is not available.
* There is no limit on Road Sergeant under the bylaws.
* Each County may have a Road Sergeant if recommended to the President by the Road Captain.

For 2011, I would like to see each county with 4 or more members have a Road Sergeant and a Scribe in addition to the Chairman and Co-Chairman. Some of the County Districts have the ability to have meets and eats once per month or more. I would like a Scribe designated to take a few notes like how many attended, was there a ride to somewhere etc

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