Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The results are in... Sundays Rodeo

Posted October 10, 2010 in NEW LONDON MC blog

The results are in from the rodeo:
For Bareback Bronc Riding: No one
Saddle Bronc Riding:            No one
Barrel Racing:                       No one
Tie Down Roping:                 No one

The same goes for: Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Bull Riding, and Mutton Bustin.

Probably because it wasn't that kind of Rodeo. There weren't any Horses, there weren't any Calves, Bulls, or Sheep. Although the closest we had to Mutton Busting was Wolfie who arrived at the Club on a Scooter.

This was a BIKE Rodeo,

The Following is a listing of the events, a short Description, and the Event winners.

The first Event of the Day was the Slow Race: The Game area is divided into 5 Chutes or lanes, each lane is approx. 5 feet wide and maybe thirty feet long. The participants line up at the entrance to the lanes and at the Start signal proceed down the lane going as slow as they can. The object is to reach the far end of the lane last without touching the ground with their feet. After they finish the next group does the same. Touching the ground with your feet is an instant disqualification. Dropping your bike is an instant disqualification and gets you laughed at. In each run those that make it through without touching the ground head for the finals while those that touched are out. At the end of the trials the bikes that made the finals run against each other and the last person to cross the line wins.

The Slow Race Event winner was: Steve Distacio
The second event was the Plank Ride:

The Plank Ride consists of diving your motorcycle the length of two 2x8 boards (roughly 12 feet each) without setting either wheel (or your feet) on the ground. This is done again through the process of elimination, those making it across move to the finals where the board width is reduced to 2x6.

A note on this event, bikes without fairings have a great advantage over those with them, Not being able to see the board makes the job a lot more difficult.

The Plank Ride winner was: Steve Distacio (on Sue's bike)

The next events were each "Two up" events, meaning rider and passenger.

The Ball Set: The rider guides the bike slowly along the chute, the passenger has 5 tennis balls and must set one ball on each of the five cones along the chute. (Sounds easy doesn't it.) Remember that as the passenger leans over to place the ball the bike leans also.

The Ball Set winner was: Mike Henry and Randi Henry.

The Ball Pickup: This event is the same as the Ball set except that the passenger has to "pick up" the balls from cones as the bike proceeds along the chute.

Ball Pickup winner was: Tom Lloret and Joan Mudgett

The next event was the Ball Toss: This event consists of the rider keeping the bike in a smooth operation as it passes through a doorway built of pipes, the passenger tosses a ball up and over the top bar and must catch it on the other side.

The Ball Toss winner was: Tree (Theresa) and Sandwich (Reuben)

The Ball Toss for Trikes: The same as with Bikes.

The Ball toss for Trikes winner was: Ted and Wolfie This was rather a hands down event since they were the only Trike entered.

The Final Event was the Weeny Bite. The rider drives the bike through the Arch, keeping a real low speed, as the passenger attempts to catch and bite a hot dog (Wiener) that is dangling on a string.

The Wienie Bite winners were: Smurph (Steve M.) and Rocket (Sierra) She won with 2 3/4 inches.
All in all a Fantastic time was had by all, It was great to see so many of the wives which made it a real picnic atmosphere.


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