Wednesday, January 5, 2011

NLMC Rodeo Youtube footage

 Posted October 11, 2010 NLMC blog

I have over two hours of collected video footage from Sunday's Rodeo that I need to reduce to make the video for youtube. Last night I spent from 7pm until 1am removing footage and making shorter segments. Each section of video has to be pulled, locked, run, have sections of it removed, then produced and saved. To do each section can take as much as two hours waiting for the work and the processing and saving. Then you do the next section. When all the footage is down to what you want you have to combine them in a process screen, link the segments and save them.

Last night I got the footage down to 1 hour 3 minutes.
I still have to trim about 23 sections (every time you pause the recording it is a section) from 56 shot on Sunday.
So it will be a while before the footage hits youtube. because after I get all the wasted footage removed from the remaining 23 sections, (bikes moving into position, waiting for the start of each event,) I will still have a lot of trimming to go, and there was a lot of funny stuff. the problem is...Youtube Videos have a time restriction...No longer than 10minutes.

This means that I still have some segment to chop to get them down to usable, which will add them to the 1 hour 3 minutes that I already reduced, then I have to discard anything above 10 minutes.
There may be more than one youtube entry of this event, may have to do it as a series, part1, part2, etc

So maybe in about a week

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