Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More stuff

Posted October 9, 2010 NLMC blog

* The NLMC Annual Banquet Committee has advised the e-board that the cost for a banquet ticket this year will be $ 45.00. The Club will then subsidize the final cost. Save your money, it's less than $ 1.00 per week, per person.

Recruitment has been brisk this year with ( 43 ) new members of the NLMC. The best recruiter contest ended on October 1st, and the top 3 NLMC recruiters have been identified and will receive 2 free Annual Banquet Tickets.

Winners are:
Vinny Yannone - 6 new members
Dave Chambers - 4 New Members
Steve Natale - 4 New Members

Good job winners, and all who have brought someone to us this year.

Banquet Chairwomen Donna Lloret has been busy orgainizing this years Banquet which will be held again at the Holiday Inn in Norwich on Rte 82 next to the CT DMV. $ 45.00pp - See Treasurer Paul Neves to purchase your tickets

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