Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This week ( from the President)

Posted Saturady October 9, 2010 New London MC blog
(Breakfast) Sunday, 10/10/10 Moose Club Benefit for
Cystic Fibrosis $ 5.00 PP, 8:00am-11:00am

(Reminder) Sunday, 10/10/10 NLMC Rodeo/Potluck
Clubhouse: 11:00am open for business
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm the games begin
Bring a can to donate to the food bank.

(Tentative) Monday, 10/11/10 NLMC recruitment mission
There is a group of riders in Old Saybrook of 14-18 riders
who call themelves the Broken Arrow Riders Club. Vinny &
Smurph have been riding with them on Weds. with the
intent of trying to get them to patch over to our Club. Vinny
& Steve are going to try and set up a meet to talk about
that proposal. If this happens it will be 6:00pm OSB or
5:30pm at McDonalds, Flanders for NLMC. Ck your e-mail

(Meeting) Tuesday, 10/12/10 Windham County District
Martello's Restaraunt, Rte 14, Canterbury, Ct
6:00pm Dinner, 7:00pm meeting

(Dinner Ride) Wednesday, 10/13/10 Middlesex County
AOB: 6:00pm, Dunkin Donuts, Rte 1 Old Saybrook
Dinner at the VFW, $ 7.00 pp
(Mystery Ride) Thursday, 10/14/10 David's Place (don't eat)
AOB: 6:00pm - Changed back from 6:30pm due to darkness
(Cluhouse Dinner) Thursday 10/14/10
Eat: 7:00pm $ 5.00pp - 1st Fall meal by Chef Thibodeau

(Meeting) Thursday, 10/14/10 @ 8:00pm

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