Sunday, April 7, 2013

A good day with plenty of sun. Formation left at 10:10 and went to the High School in Montville to practice. The people who came to practice didn't need practice as they where and remain good...some very good.

A and B rated riders don't need much teaching, 40 seconds to explain what to do and the trick to doing it. Another 25 seconds spent in the demo, and then everybody did it perfect...even with their passengers still riding.

It was too easy, so next we did flow practice which is higher speed course around obstacles  Making use of side walks, electric transformers, and parked trucks, along with 7 small cones, made for a neat little closed course. Predictably a pick up in speed occurred and very shortly after starting, it became a race.
Next time maybe brake and evade. Everybody needs these lessons.

The members who came where already good, but they polished there skills and maybe picked up a new twist on an old song.

 "It's not important to me", or "I ride good enough". You be in Great Barrington, 3.5 hrs out and take out a bunch of members because you didn't need to practice, Or drop it on a climbing right hand stop sign and brake your right leg. You could have learned that very technique today because we practiced

Dale Adams has agreed to do basic training for members who want to clean up there act. We're not talking Monkey style Kung-Fu here, just basic stuff you need to know and WILL use every day. Tap Dale on the shoulder and ask for a time and place. Unlike the Road Capt. Dale is kind and patent, take advantage of any drill team member with a question. They not only know how,  but will likely give you a demo if time and place permit.

 Want to see where you could be...Drill team practice is on Monday night at the club house after 6PM, but that's not where you start...that where you end up.

The riding season starts next Sunday, are you ready?


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