Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We have a winner!!!

Posted October 20th, 2010

Mister Cherrick at 731pm Tuesday evening !!!!

The only other one who answered correctly was Evert at 326in the morning, But since he will be in Texas Thursday he opted out, This was before Danny voided participants.

The lineup is from left to right... Evert Gawendo (Right type of Tom hat...but that patch is way to clean to be Tom).

The next over was Danny Dunn, (everyone got this right)

To Dan's right was Joe Fogerty (Patch above the patch gave him away).

The furthest right baffled almost everyone... I received the following answers, Steve Murphy, Steve Natalie, and Dave Adams to name a few...

The correct answer was...

So Mister Cherrick...Thursday evening your meal is on our current 2nd VP, soon to be VP, one Dan Dunn.


oh yeah..Rich Woodhall is the guy to the right

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