Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I have to see Smurph about a new patch

Posted October 13,2010    NEW LONDON MC A Photo and story Collective

I am thinking about having Smurph order me a new patch for my vest, I went for my after Vacation check up this morning and it was wonderful. The doc started the interview and was taking about Diverticulosis and I said, "you mean Diverticulitis." He said no, that would be only if you had a perforation. So I told him, yeah, that's why I was in the hospital. "You were in the hospital?" So after he checked the rest of the file it was back to formalities.

He explained about the scan, what they found, and what they removed. Then he told me they found something in my esophagus and they want a endoscopy and want to do a biopsy, I asked him if they use the same camera they use when they go north, he said "Yeah, we just splash a little alcohol on it". So that's on for next week, then (after receiving the Hospital Doctor's report) he told me they are scheduling a meet with the Surgeon for me to have that which healed, removed. Seems that when you have a burst they get to chop. That will mean two weeks out of work minimum, and it will be no bike for a while, So I guess the Gerbing won't get much use this year.

On the wall of the Doctors office they have a poster which shows the entire human digestive system depicting each disease or problem you can have. I looked at the poster and told the doctor, "That guy is "F--ked", Without missing a beat he replied, "Yeah. well... you've got three of the issues"

So Smurph, I need to get rid of my Klay patch, and have a new one put on, how much will it cost for



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