Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Greylock ride

 Posted October 19,2010

Paul Neves has forwarded some pictures, he reports putting 326 miles on that day. The ride left D&D with 14 bikes the normal 10am A.O.B. at 10:15am. They ran up rte 2, picking up Joe Fogerty in Bozrah then the Natales and Craig at exit 33 on 91 in Hartford. They ran north to Massachusetts and exit 9B in Springfield in the land of Helmets. Then they ran west on 20 through Westfield, Russell, Huntington, and Chester through pioneer Valley.then across to rte 7. They made a fuel stop in Lee/Lenox area.

The Club proceeded north to Mount Greylock making a stop for those who did not pack a lunch to buy one (as was planned). Evert arrived at the top of Greylock about 2ish (was to many cars spoiling the Greylock road ). As was said wind howling and cool. Many of the riders had to be home in the 5:30ish time frame for other commitments so about 3pm, 10 of them split off and chose to go home down 7 to the Mass Pike east to 91 (no tolls west of Springfield J ). Tom and his merry band of 7 were going route 2 east (Mohawk trail). Tom called for single file again going down hill and were cruising along behind a car when a Crotch Rocket went by the Club and the Car at speed. (Reports are that his bike handling was impressive.). The Club continue east until they met with route 91 in Greenfield then ran south and home arriving after 7pm. There was one wobble on the ride, reportedly while descending Greylock Rich Woodhall found some leaves and did a little slip sliding around as Sandwich (behind him) had to brake

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