Monday, January 3, 2011

From the President

Posted September 18, 2010


To all that participated in the Bob Pepin's Memorial Service and Honor Guard Escort.
24 NLMC motorcycles participated in the escort of 6 cars of family members to and from the cemetery, staging at the Fair Oaks municipal building across from the Montville High School. We departed same with a Montville Police Cruiser leading us to I 395 where our new Road Guard Program kicked in making for a smooth operation to and from the cemetery, where a dozen PGR members were waiting in a Flag line. There was a brief service and eulogy presented by our Chaplain Steve Natale. We later returned to the NLMC Clubhouse for a social gathering and food. One of Bob's best friends lead us in a pray by our newly constructed monument and flag pole, where the names of deceased active members will be remembered on brass plates that will be attached to a granite head stone. The flags were flown at half staff.

Special Thanks:

Rich Woodhall, Steve Natale, and Carey Nielsen Initial Planners

Steve Natale - A great job with the Eulogy

Bubba & Karen Gowin, Mark Beebe, Rick Hazlett, Patti Duerrler - A great job with the house and food service.

PGR - Fantastic job with the flag line.

Tom Lloret - Kudos for success with the new Road Guard Program

Rich Woodhall - Kudos for a steady lead of the Honor Guard

Billy Griffin & Bubba - Thanks for the labor of love constructing the monument.

If I forgot anyone I apologize in advance. There were so many hands involved it is easy to forget someone

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