Friday, May 27, 2011

To The Club, Rolling Thunder

1.Wear hot weather gear, light colors, long sleeve is ok as well
Make surecloyhing is confortable (stuff you have used and liked before)

2.Drinking water as you drive is also good, get new cold water at fuel stops, pocket snacks, one hand stuff to nibble on

3. Toll money, in a easy to get place

4. Sun block, if you're a blocker not, or if you're Irish.
5. Lip balm as well

6. Two creidit card in case one get shut off,
a call to the creidt card company telling them your traveling is a good idea as well
On the road again;

It is good to have and idea of the range you can get on a tank of gas

We allow cars trying to get off an exit or on from an exit to pass through the formation

At a toll we stay in the same booth and pay and then pull forward and stop untill all the bikes have paid, then drive on as a group.

EZ pass riders; ride through and wait on the shoulder a safe distance from the toll booth

On interstates; spacing is a bit longer but you should stillbe  in the the zip code as the bike in front of you

If you need to get a message to the ride leader finding a radio bike to relay to the front is the best way

 The (oh what should I bring question)

Your going for 3 days total, you will not need a trunk, garment bag or hat box.

Bungee cords are king. if your pack looks like it will fall likly will

That bag of potato chips will not survive and you can get that down there anyway

Beer, soda and mixers can be gotten there chips and dips as well

Wine and your special adult beverage bring with you so you have it.

Atadudeish youish ( kinda like yiddish it means NOW FOR YOU)

 It may seem like a lot to think abou, but really its just road sense

Fhis is a fun weekend,  riding your bik ewith your friends...thats a good start right there

Be patent, it will be hot, there will be delays, you got's all weekend, chil

All your bad habbist come to visit in the heat far from home, be aware, be at your best

You/we will be a thing to see on the road, when you look and wave at the kids in the car passing you, remember you're still riding in formation, do both... but ride frist

I have likely missed a bunch of things that will happen...just adapt and over come

Meeting places:

Flander McDonalds AOB aroung 8ish

Second Meeting

On interstate rest area west of Branford (I=95)

Third meeting (We will take attendance at this rest stop)

On interstate rest area around exit 10 east of Stamford Everybody will tank at this rest area so we can get a jump into PA Usually look for gas at 120 miles

Don't forget your cell phone charger

don't forget your meds

Road Guard Capt....
 And remember, if you get lost, don't panic, lost is just a delay...It doesn't mean you'll never see home again.

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